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by Lykke TheNun at 2:45 PM
(53,285 Views / 0 Likes)
Previously, it was assumed that Planet Cyrene had only been spotted a few years prior after the discovery of the Entropia Universe. But we were wrong ...


Cyrenean archaeologists recently made a startling discovery. Previously, it was assumed that Planet Cyrene had only been spotted a few years prior after the discovery of the Entropia Universe.

And then, during excavations on Earth at a remote temple sight in Egypt which was discovered buried under tons of sand, a panel with hieroglyphs revealed something that baffled all scientists...


Of course, people had been speculating about the ancient Egyptians being able to travel through space or having been in touch with extra-terrestrial life-forms for thousands of years, but no conclusive proof ever had been presented, until now.

This made scientists have to rethink their entire system of accepted values. If the Egyptians knew Cyrene, chances are there are more symbols out there. And this is where YOU step in.

We are looking for proof, any type of proof, of the Cyrene symbol being spotted on Earth, or other parts of the known universe. Should you find any occasion of them, please do post them here. At the same time, we want you to be aware that not only is it possible to see the Cyrene symbol on artefacts, but there have also been rumours of people seeing them in clouds, cornflake bowls, the fur of a cat...