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Shopping Booths


Active Member
I too would be interested in getting a shopping booth if the price is not too insane. I think a few strategically placed booths would help the economy a lot as it would allow items to be placed for sale w/o expiring on the auction houses. It would allow those who do live on or frequent Cyrene to peddle their wares, and those who may not visit too often, get items they need w/o having to wait days for an auction to end or get bought out. Quicker access to say, crafting materials would keep me there longer as I have something to do now.


ya.. it sucks that monria starts with a full set of Shopping booths + apts... while cyrene does only place them but not activates them... (so u cant even blame MA).

as i told Kris already a few times, Cyrene has basically no economy, and Shops would really help... but they are there since 1 year now, but not useable... any reasons for that ????


Andrey Andy Russian
Apparently they have other reasons. Perhaps the owners of the planet does not need a money?
And the economy really can be slightly raised trough booths but not through the auction, I stopped using Cyrene AH, since I have no guarantee that anything will be sold for 7 days. So I gladly bought a booth, and would extend it to the maximum (70 item points), and maybe would offer a wide selection of items, as I do in my shop on Arkadia.


Active Member
It would help the economy out. Very valid points, the AH is very slow, sometimes people don't need 100 ped worth of something, like crafting materials a booth would let them get smaller quantities w/o the hastle. Letting members buy booths (money for them) sell items in booths (more money for them), it will bring people to the planet to hang out more and spend money (yes, more money for them). How hard IS it really to open up a booth? I can't see where they would need any type of babysitting by other than their owners to restock them etc. This just seems to be one very simple thing that would be a win for everyone involved.

Can someone who actually is an 'official' voice for Cyrene please answer why there are no open booths, and if there are any plans on opening them, and when?

THank you

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
There is a meaning with everything on Cyrene and everything is somehow connected - also the shopping-booths and they are not only decoration and they will be opened up at a given point, when possible.

I am sorry that this doesn't reveal a lot more to you guys/girls and that the reply might not seem satisfactory, but that's all I am able to say for now :samuari:


Active Member
Ok we understand you can't spill all the beans on what's going on behind the scenes at Cyrene. Can you share a 'rough' timeline, or at least when you are initially aiming for 'when possible' to be? A few months, A few years?

Im not against making a 'long term' commitment to the development of a place I think is worth my time. I have Deeds from other places, seeing that as a sort of 'commitment'. If someone getting 'in' on one of the booths was to be marketed as an 'investment' perhaps, I am sure you could find some folks who would be very interested in the long term growth of Cyrene with a presence via a shopping booth.

Granted Im not an old timer at Cyrene and know probably squat about the overall place, but from what I have seen, I see tremendous potential here and would like to see it take off. I can easily see it happening, and would love to be 'part' of that.

Does this make sense?



Andrey Andy Russian
If the Booths will also be given as prizes in the missions or some campains (chains), and I think it would be like this, then this is a crazy idea that can be implemented on the planet. In this case, I think you cannot to achieve a normal economy. For you (and for players) will be much easier if you just expose booth at the auction. And build giant mall in addition. With normal Shops (not Booths), one of these I can buy (Maybe with 200-300 item points...). They may also be customizable, as Arkadian Shops. (http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread....Fronts-Available-Now!&highlight=customization)
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Well-Known Member
If the Booths will also be given as prizes in the missions or some campains (chains), and I think it would be like this, then this is a crazy idea that can be implemented on the planet. In this case, I think you cannot to achieve a normal economy. For you (and for players) will be much easier if you just expose booth at the auction. And build giant mall in addition. With normal Shops (not Booths), one of these I can buy (Maybe with 200-300 item points...). They may also be customizable, as Arkadian Shops. (http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread....Fronts-Available-Now!&highlight=customization)

there is a small shoping center around second hand staging area. if you want to see what the shops look like.


Andrey Andy Russian
I found a building with rooms...and without terminals... hard to find and too big distance from TP :) .
Hope, in 5-10 years there will be Apartments or Shops. Maybe Shops can be bought for 10000 Extreme Tokens, each Token may be looted once in 100 years in 100000 kills Prowler Tide Claw mission (or 25000 kills Monterously Toxic Jellyworm mission)!!!

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Shops or booths (depending on difficulty) would be great rewards for mission chains. The resellers can buy them from the people that actually play. :p

One thing, the booths I've seen look horrible...


Andrey Andy Russian
Well, so be it. Let the planet will continue to be empty.

PS And another thing. We are not resellers...


Active Member
Bump, any update on shopping booths?

Just out of curiosity, what is the hang up on them? You guys not ready yet, MA giving you grief or what? It just seems this should be one of the easier things to implement. They are all over every other planet it's not like you would have to reinvent the wheel to do them. It would bring immediate inflow of cash to the planet in the initial purchases or if given as a drops or whatever in increased hunting etc etc. It would also bring residual cash to the planet over time by people being more enticed to come here to mine, shop, hunt, etc because they can actually get things they need.

I do know that shops tend to be problematic and have a lot of bugs. Other than that, MA is very strict on how many can be released and I wouldn't be surprised if Cyrene doesn't have enough population yet for MA to give the green light on releasing them.

Also, you have to keep in mind what shops are good for and what their limitations are. Shops are most helpful to crafters who have too many items to put up on auction or those who sell items with low demand which would eat up auction fees too many times before selling (like clothes for instance). Things like minerals and crafting materials don't usually sell well from shops... if those aren't selling in auction then you simply don't have enough demand for them. At the end of the day, it's easier to sell things from auction than from a shop. So... I think Cyrene needs more players. It seems like it's mature enough for the official release so hopefully that will happen soon, followed by intense marketing.