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Planet Cyrene Summer VU Preview

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone,

We here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU.

The Skull Birds have really dug into their new nesting grounds, however, due to the vitriol in which they live and consume their prey, the land around them has become altered…

We’ve seen more new recruits out by the Rookie Training area and Zorra wanted to offer some help to these greenhorns joining our ranks! You can find several A.R.C. healing stations around to help keep you going.

Another Boffin has descended from Sky Labs in an attempt to continue to improve the Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. , Kandake at the 0x101 Supply Depot can improve your Rank VII to Rank VIII after undergoing a new mission.

Furthermore, Ananias is available for anyone who wants to swap the Speedy Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. to Vigorous or vice-versa, please keep in mind this swap can only be done every 30 days, so choose carefully!

A new Zyn Master has arrived at Zyn’Dars’ Hovel: Zyn’Dingo!
They are the next iteration of the Cyrene Epic Missions: The Zyn’viathan! Undergo their challenges and combine the rewards to enter the fabled Genesis Beach…

A uniformed A.R.C. Officer by the name of Hoban is in Zyn’Tukano during a bit of a rough spot: he needs some materials and clout in a hurry but can’t leave his post. If you help him out you can choose from a new molten texture blueprint.

For those with death in their hearts, those who are working towards or have completed A Collection is Required - CoH Part 7 mission can come see Miss Regan Maul near the Duster Hazing Station for a new mission.

The final update that I’d like to bring up is about the A.R.C. Offensive that will launch again this summer. The team has incorporated a lot of feedback from the players who participated as well as our own iterations.

There will now be a Solo version and a Team version, along with more maturities and Bosses that can be summoned.


These are the highlights coming in the next update. We think it goes without saying that of course there will be bug fixes and improvements to missions and text, always trying to make the planet better for all players.

Thank you for reading and thanks for playing on Planet Cyrene.

The Cyrene Team
