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Obsidian's Weed Smokin' Party!


Active Member
great sounding fun event, sorry I missed it but didn't see the post until today, hehe. I hope you get another one going :p

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys!

Firstly I'd like to say what a creative event you put together, normally that is something I do when I'm on the test server just with much more OP Test Only weapons =)

That being said:

This was fun, and Menace and I as well as the rest of Obsidian will do events on Cyrene in the future. But we would like to see the Cyrene staff look in to the broken loot we made happen. Literally over 100 no loots in a row.

There was another incident of something similar to this happening with a different low level mob during a Swunt.

Both MA and the Cyrene Devs will be looking further into this as it appears to not have been an isolated incident.

I will update when I have more solid info.

Hey guys!

Firstly I'd like to say what a creative event you put together, normally that is something I do when I'm on the test server just with much more OP Test Only weapons =)

That being said:

There was another incident of something similar to this happening with a different low level mob during a Swunt.

Both MA and the Cyrene Devs will be looking further into this as it appears to not have been an isolated incident.

I will update when I have more solid info.


Thanks for the reply. We look forward to doing more events here. Sometimes giving away items like this one, sometimes not, but all in a hope to support the community.