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Mining Services


New Member
Going to be sticking to Cyrene for awhile this time around, hit me up at any time to see what I've found while mining and bombing for that elusive hof I keep hearing about for the last 5 years, shrugs who knows might finally find it here.

Currently been focusing on Ores with Finder F105, have been periodically mining the majority of the Server and mapping out any rares as well.

Keep an eye on the markets MU's for selling purposes, if your in need of a specific ore or en matter and I have it on hand, we'll can work out a deal easily.

Contact Buddha Shape Maleric for ore and en matter requests and prices.

Currently most of the ores I've found are on the AH but will be cataloging ores if people are in need of specifics and will store them as needed.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Ill keep you noted, I finally came back and will be buying some Cyrene specific resources for those long craft runs I used to always do.


Active Member
I also have a bunch of mining stuff and general loot for crafting if anyone needs, just give me a holler.

Shape I use the F 105 myself and find it does plenty well for finding all the ores you need / have here. To be honest I think a 103 would work just as well.



New Member
Personally speaking having around 500 - 600 range for Zorn and the other resources here has atm resulted in an almost 81% hit rate.

Don't really feel the need to use my old F103 or 102 variants with my F105 just poping every time I drop xD. It'd probably work but would have to target specific resources that are at a proper depth for the F103


Active Member
You are correct Shape. Don't HAVE to play with the lower finders, it's just easier to use the 105 but if you had one, it would still work very well. The ores, I have found t he depth varys a lot by location too. Lyst may be averaging 700 feet in one area, and only 200 in another.
