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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

There's a lot stuff happening here on Cyrene with the instances, new armor vendors and loot drops and spread to both the forum in different posts and Discord, so I'll make a short statement here, and then link all the other threads back to this post to try and consolidate it.

The short version is that after the latest report that came, MindArk needed to check out the armor NPCs and loot drops and instances (along with server stability) to make sure everything is at the level that it needs to be for everyone involved. So I believe that while they are doing this check for us, the missions for these NPCs has been switched off until they are finished.

I hope to have more answers soon about the status and we can get back on track.

As soon as I have anymore information I'll make sure to share it here, and try to make sure that there's no misinformation.



New Member
A complete shut-down is outrageous and unfair. Why wasn't a new ingredient invented that would have prevented hoarders from insta-completion? This type of items could have been utilized to more fairly control quest completion rates. Now we have a situation where certain (dare I say in-the-know) players have the armour quest complete while the rest of us normies that went out to grind are now shut out. This is completely unjust and shows a lack of foresight and planning.


Sandal San Tolk
It strikes me as not very plausible that during the usual lengthy approval process Gothenburg didn't anticipate this to become quite an attraction.


New Member
A complete shut-down is outrageous and unfair. Why wasn't a new ingredient invented that would have prevented hoarders from insta-completion? This type of items could have been utilized to more fairly control quest completion rates. Now we have a situation where certain (dare I say in-the-know) players have the armour quest complete while the rest of us normies that went out to grind are now shut out. This is completely unjust and shows a lack of foresight and planning.

Outrageous and unfair is right!! No warning either. I agree with everything you just said. If I go on about it I'll end up repeating you. Im in the exact same boat, feel so far behind and people in the know are churning out fullt completed sets and I'm struggling to even get the stage 1 paneleon set together!!


New Member
I just hope that it is temporary. I spent thousands of ped to get garden boxes on a Arkadian Land Plot and now for almost a year I cannot harvest the ripened fruit! Now I spend more on mats for an armor I cannot upgrade. I hope Cyrene is more on the ball then Arkadia. This is extremely frustrating.

The Arkadian developers really suck balls for not fixing their bug, but it was not an intentional shut down. An intentional shut down can be intentionally turned back on.

This is borderline criminal behavior in a RCE.
Just intentionally removing stuff from loot without informing, letting players spend money on chasing markup items while they are left to figure out this by themselves, is a form of fraud.
MA are changing the rules intentionally without informing its customers.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

There's a lot stuff happening here on Cyrene with the instances, new armor vendors and loot drops and spread to both the forum in different posts and Discord, so I'll make a short statement here, and then link all the other threads back to this post to try and consolidate it.

The short version is that after the latest report that came, MindArk needed to check out the armor NPCs and loot drops and instances (along with server stability) to make sure everything is at the level that it needs to be for everyone involved. So I believe that while they are doing this check for us, the missions for these NPCs has been switched off until they are finished.

I hope to have more answers soon about the status and we can get back on track.

As soon as I have anymore information I'll make sure to share it here, and try to make sure that there's no misinformation.


Last check on Stolen armor lasted 4 years.
MA finally checked it, and released it to players for a week.
Now another 4 years check is in progress?


New Member
Last check on Stolen armor lasted 4 years.
MA finally checked it, and released it to players for a week.
Now another 4 years check is in progress?

I am very interested in this as well.
Has MA given any ETA on how long the armor vendors and drops will be switched off?


Active Member
Well Mindark isn't only fucking with the partners. We, the people are suffering too.
Luckily a lot of good games are free to download at epic. I got Elite Dangerous to look forward to.
#No Decay till resolve.


I am very interested in this as well.
Has MA given any ETA on how long the armor vendors and drops will be switched off?

Probably just long enough to make a couple key mats literally unobtainable like the Weakened Power Crystal is for the Zorra HK epic mission.

Shutting this off after so many have invested time/money would be illegal in a normal business environment. Now once again we have the "haves" and "have nots". If you think this is about "server stability" I've got some dung to sell you.


If I were cynical, I might suspect that MA would prefer assets spend by the playerbase be devoted to Merry Mayhem rather than poured into the wholesale genocide of Paneleons for a Planet Partner.

It would be appreciated by many to hear an official statement from MA on this matter.
@Kris | Cyrene

In any case, if the NPCs are already disabled then why remove loot drops like tails and relics?

At least let us continue to gather materials, just in case missions get reactivated. I don't get why they did that to be honest, just to mess with Cyrene as a PP?

A bunch of people are already moving back to Caly, is that what MA wanted all along?

And again with the null communication, I thought those days were gone... Why didn't they release a statement?

Seriously, what a depressing way to treat both your "partners" and your customers.


Sandal San Tolk
I get it. Somebody stole the dog treats. (Can be understood in more than one way...)


Active Member
To be honest.. getting the imperium armor from the stolen isn't an easy task

the Stolen takes 40 days of hunting (5 badges per day), and before the dailies there were some other missions that you had to do first, including killing some golems in lootable pvp.

Then the imperium armor.. try looting 7 flesh or getting the medium power cells. cyrenean ingot? not very easy.
And if you have the blueprint for the collectable arc soldier.. its is easy, but if you don't you will pay premium.

An easy fix for hoarding would be to make the armor soul bound again, each player can then hunt their own armor. It beats waiting years for this thing to be implemented.

I got all the ingredients and my avatar is waiting at the npc down at the hub.


To be honest.. getting the imperium armor from the stolen isn't an easy task

the Stolen takes 40 days of hunting (5 badges per day), and before the dailies there were some other missions that you had to do first, including killing some golems in lootable pvp.

Then the imperium armor.. try looting 7 flesh or getting the medium power cells. cyrenean ingot? not very easy.
And if you have the blueprint for the collectable arc soldier.. its is easy, but if you don't you will pay premium.

An easy fix for hoarding would be to make the armor soul bound again, each player can then hunt their own armor. It beats waiting years for this thing to be implemented.

I got all the ingredients and my avatar is waiting at the npc down at the hub.

No soul bound!


If I were cynical, I might suspect that MA would prefer assets spend by the playerbase be devoted to Merry Mayhem rather than poured into the wholesale genocide of Paneleons for a Planet Partner.

It would be appreciated by many to hear an official statement from MA on this matter.

MA gets 50% either way.


New Member
To be honest.. getting the imperium armor from the stolen isn't an easy task

the Stolen takes 40 days of hunting (5 badges per day), and before the dailies there were some other missions that you had to do first, including killing some golems in lootable pvp.

Then the imperium armor.. try looting 7 flesh or getting the medium power cells. cyrenean ingot? not very easy.
And if you have the blueprint for the collectable arc soldier.. its is easy, but if you don't you will pay premium.

An easy fix for hoarding would be to make the armor soul bound again, each player can then hunt their own armor. It beats waiting years for this thing to be implemented.

I got all the ingredients and my avatar is waiting at the npc down at the hub.

I think either make it soul bound to match viceroy, or make the mission non-repeatable so each player can only complete the armor set once (and keep it tradeable).