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Bug Report June 1 Official VU Bug Thread

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
I'm getting an 'mission unknown, code 13' when trying to hand in daily zorn star ore mission to leigh

This has been fixed and will be updated in the mini patch.

Yes, the rare items list on Cyrene is ridiculous, and extremely annoying when the list is just full of stuff that clearly isn't rare. Other planets and MA are guilty of this too, but at the moment the Cyrene items are the most obviously irritating ones.
This has been mentioned to me recently and we noticed a few that could be moved off the rare list. I'll talk with Kris about it and see what we can do.


Active Member
Hey guys,

So it seems like there were some in-progress items that ended up turning into Renegade Components, which lead to them being found on other creature types so I’ll put the full list of them here:
  • Fenris
  • Muckjaw
  • Renegade Hazard Zone Mech
  • Skreel
  • Venataur
  • Vlanwing
We’ll try to get this fixed as soon as we can, but no ETA on when that adjustment will take place.


ouch Kris, this is really sad,

i was grinding the ROOT, 75 ped/ kill, me and others few, and i m only 18k ped down on these 10k prior and 8k after the VU, then other mechs, and the good loot is somewhere else, and i left ROOT cause i could not keep it as it was,

more to it i just found out the rare find dont spam the chat to be able to know it so could be more outhere and i was where i supposed to be.... :(

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Wasp Queen SHOULD be fixed, but I feel like I also need to mention that Lazidol loot is not in a great spot. It tends to drop only 2 of the 4 main pieces and does so at a ~10% chance. I've farmed about 300 over the last month and ended up with several "sets" of bone/tongue pieces but have only looted a single brain piece, no shell pieces.

Fully agree with this, we've already got a dialogue with MA, and like I talked about in the other thread: >>LINK<<

I will go over the reports again and take this additional data to MA to get them to keep refining these drop rates for us.

I noticed [Adjusted Imperium Plate] is not a rar-item. (Symmetric plates for Calypso and Next Island are rar-item).

They aren't tagged as rare? I'll have to double check, they should all be rare tagged (the component and plate).

At the same time, the usual loot ([Flesh], [Pure Body Oil] and [Aquatic Gland]) is still rar-items.
Obviously, this is a dissonance and misunderstanding.
I wrote about Adjusted Plate only because it is the only thing that was discovered to this time. The following generations (improved, modified, augmented and perfected) should also be rar-Items.
Yes, the rare items list on Cyrene is ridiculous, and extremely annoying when the list is just full of stuff that clearly isn't rare. Other planets and MA are guilty of this too, but at the moment the Cyrene items are the most obviously irritating ones.

Yeah, these ones I'll be talking to MA about, their frequency, it's spammy and not correct.

i was grinding the ROOT, 75 ped/ kill, me and others few, and i m only 18k ped down on these 10k prior and 8k after the VU, then other mechs, and the good loot is somewhere else, and i left ROOT cause i could not keep it as it was,

Just to be more clear about this, because I can't say too much about loot.

Within this list, there are some do just come from the Renegade Hazard Zone mechs, and others that have an additional source.

Specifically regarding the ROOT, I don't think it affected you (aside from the current drop rate of them affecting all the Renegade Components).

I'll keep updating this thread and once the mini patch is here I'll adjust the name and keep posting here.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Dante posted this in another thread:

and the eternal question... the iron missions are gone... and the rewards like BPs in some missions? where are in the future? BP Hely, BP plasma weapon... and the missions for clothes with a xxx thousands kills? gone with the wind?

Right now we have to see what MA plans for those, this isn't the 1st Planet Partner CODEX so there's probably procedures in place, we've been so focused on making sure that all the creatures that weren't included become included that we haven't tackled this with them yet.

When we have info I'll let everyone know.



Active Member
pls add to the list the L16 Scout Bot 779, codex is not working on them

also please check the BP drop rate, Cyrene specific blueprints, i did 4k attempts on a cyrene blueprint ( Imperium cube comp 2 ), and all i got were universal blueprints , none from Cyrene, and i got few i could say.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
pls add to the list the L16 Scout Bot 779, codex is not working on them

also please check the BP drop rate, Cyrene specific blueprints, i did 4k attempts on a cyrene blueprint ( Imperium cube comp 2 ), and all i got were universal blueprints , none from Cyrene, and i got few i could say.
I will add it to the codex list and poke Kris about the bp's

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
also please check the BP drop rate, Cyrene specific blueprints, i did 4k attempts on a cyrene blueprint ( Imperium cube comp 2 ), and all i got were universal blueprints , none from Cyrene, and i got few i could say.

Yeah, this is something that seems quite strange to me, there's a number of blueprints that haven't been discovered or are quite rare for what they are, a good thread by @Aeolus that I talk a bit about here: >>LINK<<

I'll be closely following up with this.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

It seems that I unfortunately left in access to one of my test instances. I don't think that I should help players to get it, I'm sure it can be easily found, but there was some issue on how to get out, so I wanted to put that information here:

You've gotta make your way to the big, yellow crystal and as you get near it you should be teleported back to the planet.



Sandal San Tolk
Hey guys,

It seems that I unfortunately left in access to one of my test instances. I don't think that I should help players to get it, I'm sure it can be easily found, but there was some issue on how to get out, so I wanted to put that information here:

You've gotta make your way to the big, yellow crystal and as you get near it you should be teleported back to the planet.

I love the idea of such a thing in the game, by accident or not. Put in a crate of beer and an interface to relay its local chat from/to a "Dev corner" channel on your Discord. Makes no sense whatsoever since most who would care to reach out will have both installed, but is funny as hell ;)


Active Member
regarding th BP's

i have done more than 25.000 attempts on some components and all i can say is that beside few...imagine.. few (L) Fergusons drops, i have not got a single one, not a single Cyrene specific UL blueprint, instead i got Welding Wire, and all kind of dumb and stupid over and over again RT blueprints....which is stupid...

Basic Bearings, Basic Sheet Metal, Basic Filters, Basic Structure, etc

if i want to get RT blueprints i can go there and craft i dont need to be here on Cyrene and get them.

idk, but this need to be fixed or i dont see the logic to sit here and craft like mad to complete the books of blueprints

i dont even dare to start crafting armors, clothes and other similar category,

more to it, i dont see the point to have those outside blueprints in the first place in this loot pool, oh and the drop rate even bad as it is, is... how to say it... is like searching for opals, even for those RT / whatever bp.

the 8000 crafting attempts of the lvl 1 blueprint furniture droped lots of nonsense, repeatable blueprints but those that are required for the armor plate are, nonexistent, those just dont drop at all, none of them

i have left to craft around the same amount mixed lvl 2-3-4 furniture, but i have the feeling my ped card will suffer once again and the result will be the same...sadly

1. crafting here should stay here and drop what is here, only, or a 80% Cyrene-20% Universal blueprints
2. crafting what is necessary to make what is needed to be should not be caped, rare elements must be the raw materials not the meaning to make them, someone forgot to turn on the button for those since last time ( i.e. imperium armor )

cheers !
Last edited:


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Turrelia Lurker (actually misspelled Turellia Lurker) - no codex
The Beast - no codex
PVP Player - no codex (and no loot either)
Sweat not consumed upon entering the Proving Grounds

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Turrelia Lurker (actually misspelled Turellia Lurker) - no codex
The Beast - no codex
PVP Player - no codex (and no loot either)
Sweat not consumed upon entering the Proving Grounds

Currently the Codex does not work with the Hub as it is considered 'off planet'. I will make sure the spelling gets fix. :)


Almost 3 months now and Empis Wasp not in codex. Seems like it would be a simple thing to fix. Come on, MA... :whip:
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