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Wish List Ideas to use [Rare Pleak Wing]

Having more uses for [Rare Pleak Wing]

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Active Member

If i'm not wrong, the [Rare Pleak Wing] are used ONLY to claim [Stamina Token] from Ben Keery NPC. (You need 10K wings to get 100 stamina toks.)

:angry:Edit: Of course I was wrong, the wings can be used in more things for example refining.

Here under some suggestions:

1) Being able to get Pleak plushies (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) by trading 500 [Rare Pleak Wing] each.

2) Being able to craft something using [Rare Pleak Wing]

I really believe it would be cool to have more uses for the wings don't you think so?

Kind regards :wave:
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Active Member
I'd suggest creating another place to hunt pleak. The current area is rather boring after a few hours, and those blasted folding chairs are annoying since they get in your way from time to time as avatar trips on them and gets stuck having to jump over them, etc. The area is rather drab, even in high graphics setting. Make an instance pr area for each of the different types with color similar to what they are... neon reds for fire, bright blues for water, etc.

As for uses for the wings... they are wings... they are colorful wings. Create clothes that use them, that maybe give a buff or actually let you fly or hover or something... Think outside the box about some other type stuff. Add beaks, eyes, etc. in addition to wings and create an entire crafting area just using pleak parts, etc.

Winged variations of everything could exist...
Sheilds with wings... helmets with feathers, feet with feathers on the ankles.... ;)

not sure you'd want to go to the extent of creating feminine products with wings but uh...
¿Armadura de Quetzalcóatl?



Active Member
Ok, so the wings can be refined with other things apparently, so it's NOT only used to get stamina tokens.

1 [Zorn Component A] + 1 [Muscle Oil Compound B] + 5 [Rare Pleak Wing] = 1 [Zorn Oil Mixture C]

it's an alternative to [Zorn Oil Mixture C Blueprint]
(3 [Zorn Component A] + 3 [Muscle Oil Compound B] per crafting click)

any other refining moves using rare pleak wings ?