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Hi Ya


Things that make you go Hmm!
Woot I'm here! Very excited and looking forward to visiting Cyrene!!
Loved catching up with you Star and looking forward to the parties of the future!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone I don't know and catching up with old friends!!!
Calli is ready to have her party boots on and dance the night away!!
Thanks for the hello on Cowboy's thread Star!! <3 to you too!!!! Im ready for purple fun!!!!:woohoo:


Active Member
Hi ya Softy!!!! Long time no see!! Looking forward partying again!!!!! :clap:

Yes, me too! Long Over due!



MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
party girl ... now I know we have some major good times coming to Cyrene between you and Softy ... and quite a few others who will be joining the party train ... can't WAIT.

I will scout out the perfect party place, BUT ... if you remember ANYthing about my gatherings at all ... then you know that I will come up with a surprise or two with regard to where the action will take place ... and on Cyrene, well ... I'll just have to drag everyone to the Purple (messed up with blue crayon :rolleyes: ) forest for some interesting fun. :p

Catch up with you soon ... you party girl you! :yay:

To Softy ... LOVE the dancing smilies, those are WAY cool. :D


DigiDime Founder
Hey Calli,

welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay and as I have read regarding the parties, there will be so many massive and amped parties, RL will seem so dull.

Get your dancing shoes packed, your music listed and get ready to P A R T Y!!!!


Hi Calli--I look foreward to being run over by vehicles you're in on Cyrene as well. ;)


Things that make you go Hmm!
Hi Calli--I look foreward to being run over by vehicles you're in on Cyrene as well. ;)
Lmao The shout on the radio to me by Syer referring to the Humvee during his stream testing may have some wondering lol.

Note to Calli ...... stay out of the front seat of the Humvee when Mac's around ;) LMAO
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Lmao The shout on the radio to me by Syer referring to the Humvee during his stream testing may have some wondering lol.

Note to Calli ...... stay out of the front seat of the Humvee when Mac's around ;) LMAO

At least when OB is trying to run me over...


DigiDime Founder
Lmao The shout on the radio to me by Syer referring to the Humvee during his stream testing may have some wondering lol.

Note to Calli ...... stay out of the front seat of the Humvee when Mac's around ;) LMAO

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I know exactly what you are talking about ... :dance:


Things that make you go Hmm!
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I know exactly what you are talking about ... :dance:
LMAO yes you do :topsecret: The humvee pic will not be part of Calli's adventure and party pic photo album LOL..... :nono5:


DigiDime Founder

Well I can remember. .... :rolleyes: .... It looked something like this from the side.... and um... I think Calli was sitting somewhere... well...

I will leave this image for you to make the most out of it... Think carefully you little imaginary tinkers out there. Think what Mac found and Calli, will possibly kill me for carrying on with Mac here...

-Narrator Voice - And if you ACT now, we might even throw in a few extra bits of clothing :xxxlaugh:
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