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Disciple graduation need help


New Member

First i would like to say so far my experience here has been on a ruff start but i have meet some good people and they encourage me to continue.

I started about 2 weeks ago and right off the bat I am not able to continue on with the beginning missions because the quest called Gathering Parts and is from the drill instructor on Cyrene. The part of the quest i am stuck on is head to the field, it will not update to the next part I guess so I can get a kill count for the 50 scout bots.

I was informed buy a Mindark guy that this quest was bugged.

I hope this is fixed now.

Now I met some good people and they help push me through the disciple/mentor process and I am about to graduate. But now I read on https://cyreneforum.com/threads/planet-cyrene-december-1st-vu-notes.8322/ that there is an issue with the Cyrene Graduation armor where the disciple will not receive the correct armor.

I am blown away by this. Honestly how do you expect new players to stick with you when you cannot give them a fun and smooth entrance. Not me i am patient but think about anyone joining and the impact this causes.

Anyway my question is what do i do to get my correct armor please and is this bugged 6 month issue with the new player quest fixed?



New Member
So update about the Gathering parts quest. I went back to the location today to see if it was fixed and it updated and now i can continue with my starter quests.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Kyle,

First i would like to say so far my experience here has been on a ruff start but i have meet some good people and they encourage me to continue.

I'm glad to hear that, we have some very helpful players on Cyrene and in Entropia Universe as a whole.

So update about the Gathering parts quest. I went back to the location today to see if it was fixed and it updated and now i can continue with my starter quests.

Yes, we were notified about it and fixed as quickly as we could. I've updated the post that you linked as well to reflect.

Now I met some good people and they help push me through the disciple/mentor process and I am about to graduate. But now I read on https://cyreneforum.com/threads/planet-cyrene-december-1st-vu-notes.8322/ that there is an issue with the Cyrene Graduation armor where the disciple will not receive the correct armor.

Anyway my question is what do i do to get my correct armor please and is this bugged 6 month issue with the new player quest fixed?

We're currently working out the problems with this with MindArk, in the interim you can contact support who should be able to swap the disciple armor you received for the one you should have gotten.



New Member
Hello just to verify, this is what I received as a reward.


As posted we know the armor is bugged and I am putting in a Ticket but what about the Vehicle?


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Kyle,

Hello just to verify, this is what I received as a reward.

View attachment 3417

As posted we know the armor is bugged and I am putting in a Ticket but what about the Vehicle?

That's correct, it will be for both the armor and the vehicle. I believe support has been swapping these default ones for the Cyrene ones and should continue to do so until the issue is resolved.


Orlando Escobar

New Member
Hi everyone!

I am having the same issue. I graduated last night on Cyrene and received the Calypso rewards.
In game name: Landos Landos Alper
I already opened a ticket and was wondering if you might be able to speed things along

Thank you!
