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Wish List better buffs and pet upgrades


Active Member
I've been studying the pets in my zoo lately and have come back to Cyrene to up levels on a few of them. In my humble opinion 10% taming buff on Cyrene pets is far too low and extra second passive buff being only on Rhino Beetle instead of the other pets and level at which that 10% buff unlocks seems to be a bit unfair vs other planet pets. My suggestion would be for this planet to push hard to get Mindark to increase some of the harder to tame pets to have 2 buffs, unlock the taming skill at a lower level, or allow 'upgrades of some sort for the pets that you get through special processes like the maze weaving. It's completely silly given how many days of mazeweaver certificates you get that the wolpertinger only has a 10% buff and is not 'upgradeable' like pets on other planets. It's silly that rhino beetle is only pet on this planet with two buffs when so many on other planets have two. It's a interesting that 'rare versions' of pets on other planets that spawn after every so many spawns have more buffs or more exoctic and better buffs than the ones here where you can never get more than just the average pet instead of it's more rare variety. The entire taming system has a long ways to go but comparing this planet's taming ecosystem vs other planets leaves a LOT to desire that you really could push Mindark to help out with as it makes this planet much less desirable to tamers than other planets. Toulan now has a daily taming mission. Rare verson of Calypso, Next Island, Monria,and Secret Island pets have very interesting second buffs. Last Xmas Mindark gave Toulan a lot lot of gifts with the new ownership welcome package. You ought to push Mindark to allow more for long term owners of planets like this one to have something to 'level up' the reasons for avatars to come here with whips and taming skills. Special instances for nice buff pets are on Toulan and other planets. You are starting to head there but the rewards aren't really equal to other planets or moons yet.... we could do so much better if you just push Mindark a little bit like Virtualsense did. Just my humble opinion.

I'd encourage devs here to really study Pet Features and Buffs (entropiapets.com) to get an idea of what I'm talking about... so many more opportunities elsewhere as it is now. Need to give tamers better reasons to be here more often.

Where's Cyrene auto-loot buff pets, decrease critical damage pets?...

Have a good day.
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Active Member
oops, sorry, rhino beetle only has one buff but I'm upping his level since the taming buff is 15% vs 10%... a second buff on him would be nice too. :)

Also upping his level since you guys reduced his nutro levels... he technically has an energy well fed bar that says 603% at the moment!

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Kris touched upon this briefly in the amaa we had. Pet buffs is something we've already been looking into for some time.
To quote Kris here "We're always looking to add cool pets on Cyrene, especially for taming. The problem is, the pet buffs and the reward need to be worth the players effort and its something that we're discussing with MindArk."

Stay safe out there :bye:


Active Member
please allow me to add some of my fantasy pets here, now that i saw this brought up,

on RT, some pets spawn after a 10k kills, i.e. Dhampyre that has a buff of 5% critical reduction, and based on this precedent, may i ...

Red Golem, 5% crit block ( this is new, and the buff can stack a 5% from perfected plates ) ...+ looks insane that red mist around them + is hard to be killed ( solo ), decent in teams ( or vehicle helped ) + the size can be similar to Oratan Axe that already exist.

Blue Golem 45m autoloot ( Oratan Axe has this buff and Karmoosh Aleef) similar settings red golem has for taming/spawning

Living vortex 5% reduce dmg ( same as the Dhampyre )

Folken 32m autoloot ( same buffs like the S0ph13 pet has ) difficulty and rarity can be set aswell at 10k kills.... that blackísh mob as a pet woul be... insane

Merfolken 5m autoloot, the blue spearman can have some of the most cool tricks possible ( Atrox Sapphire Pup has a similar buff )

more example of buffs here:

my 2 pecs

late edit: i would kill 20-30k red golems for a 5% crit block, and 20k for a Folken ( if the stats are those )
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Active Member
please allow me to add some of my fantasy pets here, now that i saw this brought up,

on RT, some pets spawn after a 10k kills, i.e. Dhampyre that has a buff of 5% critical reduction, and based on this precedent, may i ...

Red Golem, 5% crit block ( this is new, and the buff can stack a 5% from perfected plates ) ...+ looks insane that red mist around them + is hard to be killed ( solo ), decent in teams ( or vehicle helped ) + the size can be similar to Oratan Axe that already exist.

Blue Golem 45m autoloot ( Oratan Axe has this buff and Karmoosh Aleef) similar settings red golem has for taming/spawning

Living vortex 5% reduce dmg ( same as the Dhampyre )

Folken 32m autoloot ( same buffs like the S0ph13 pet has ) difficulty and rarity can be set aswell at 10k kills.... that blackísh mob as a pet woul be... insane

Merfolken 5m autoloot, the blue spearman can have some of the most cool tricks possible ( Atrox Sapphire Pup has a similar buff )

more example of buffs here:

my 2 pecs

late edit: i would kill 20-30k red golems for a 5% crit block, and 20k for a Folken ( if the stats are those )
exactly. However, the kill 10k to get one thing does get old and too grindy on some planets.... Stuff like the instances that you can open after some massive epic quest can be fun, plus if the key is sellable, like it is with Ancient Greece's Asclarius it allows tamer to shortcut to the taming part while allowing economic growth for those willing to put in the time to allow for it. The new paneleon cave is nice and these types of instances could allow for some interesting ideas in the future I suspect.


Active Member
exactly. However, the kill 10k to get one thing does get old and too grindy on some planets.... Stuff like the instances that you can open after some massive epic quest can be fun, plus if the key is sellable, like it is with Ancient Greece's Asclarius it allows tamer to shortcut to the taming part while allowing economic growth for those willing to put in the time to allow for it. The new paneleon cave is nice and these types of instances could allow for some interesting ideas in the future I suspect.

anything...just anything, only gimme the pet to have it


Active Member
Wolpertinger Math: One Wolpertinger costs 200 certificates. You can get max of 8 certificates per day. That's 25 days of maze running per Wolpertinger (assuming you visit the docs before each run, and that vlad actually spawns when and where he's supposed to). Each run through the maze takes around 10 minutes (partly because you are forced to use maze hammers), or roughly 250 minutes of game play in real time... 4.16 hours. Buff on Wolpertinger is really too low for that amount of work in my humble opinion. Yes, it's easy, but very time consuming. I love doing it, but this amount of work for this low level of a buff seems like a bunch of wasted time when you think about it. Increasing buff on them or allowing 'upgrades' to higher level pets if you turn in 2 or more wolpertingers really seems logical.

Perhaps a special instance key to tame a super duper wolpertinger could be purchased with either a bunch of wolpertingers or maze certificates or something.


p.s. I love the 'cabbage patch' animation now that my wolpertinger is high enough level to do it. It is cute. ;)
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Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
I love doing it, but this amount of work for this low level of a buff seems like a bunch of wasted time when you think about it.
Well, in my view the Wolpertinger is to introduce new players to daily routine missions and to taming, without the requirement of any taming equipment. A bit of sweat gathering and you can get yourself a 5 PED maze hammer including a free unlimited run speed buff. No hunting necessary, there are maze missions available where you don't have to fight, so no decay. It is possible to sell back the hammer at the moment. So in essence you can get the pet completely almost for free.

EDIT: I noticed that you can only sell back excess hammers, but you have to keep at least one.
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Active Member
. So in essence you can get the pet completely almost for free.
I guess it's the time vs money balance... If you do only the freebies (maze run for speed for 3+ the 3 items) it's 6 freebies for day. Add in the vlanwing and vlad and it's 8 per day. In other words do it free it'll take 33 days per wolpertinger, do it with cost and it'll take 25 days per wolpertinger.

p.s. it's nice that the tameable mobs are near the zyn forest tp now. Back in ancient days you had to find the tameable among the herds of bigger guys.