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A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base! (March 25 2023 - March 31 2023)

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Sandal San Tolk
This planet has more good stuff (i.e. markup) for low-level players than any other. If specific designs target only a partial range, there is always the rest.

That said, how about making the instance mobs shared loot and let teams enter. On the lower maturities, the damage they deal seems quite moderate and might be manageable with only disciple armor and common plates. I first tried Gen 01 with Shogun+5B this morning and hardly felt a scratch except from crits. I'll do some more damage testing later.


Sandal San Tolk
Mecha Lupine behaves strange at close distance, like it can't seem to damage you anymore. Happens when you attack it with melee, or even when I aggro it with a ranged weapon but dodge its first return shot. Then it stands over me and moves back and forth and looks unsure what to do next. Could there be a race condition in its programming? It could choose the foot stomping attack if aiming downward with its gun is a problem, but it never arrives at the conclusion. I have shot a couple that worked properly but it might be possible to exploit if it can be reliably tricked into a position where it can't deal damage.

Edit: Tried some more with melee and received immediate damage. Not sure what exactly reproduces the other behaviour.
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Mecha Lupine behaves strange at close distance, like it can't seem to damage you anymore. Happens when you attack it with melee, or even when I aggro it with a ranged weapon but dodge its first return shot. Then it stands over me and moves back and forth and looks unsure what to do next. Could there be a race condition in its programming? It could choose the foot stomping attack if aiming downward with its gun is a problem, but it never arrives at the conclusion. I have shot a couple that worked properly but it might be possible to exploit if it can be reliably tricked into a position where it can't deal damage.

Edit: Tried some more with melee and received immediate damage. Not sure what exactly reproduces the other behaviour.

I've poked Kris and let him know. Thank you for the report San. :beerchug:

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
This planet has more good stuff (i.e. markup) for low-level players than any other. If specific designs target only a partial range, there is always the rest.

That said, how about making the instance mobs shared loot and let teams enter. On the lower maturities, the damage they deal seems quite moderate and might be manageable with only disciple armor and common plates. I first tried Gen 01 with Shogun+5B this morning and hardly felt a scratch except from crits. I'll do some more damage testing later.

There are a lot of suggestions that I have received about the event, one of which is this very thing. So we are in the works at looking into making the event instance maturity based, shared loot, and allow the option for teams for the future iteration.

I encourage everyone to place their suggestions here or the official Planet Cyrene discord.:cheer:


Drake Slade Corbett
Are there plans to add the new mob to the Meta Codex as well. Apparently they do not count towards it at this time.


Sandal San Tolk
Added some data to the wiki: http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=Mob&id=900

The raw data for the damage test is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gJ2rQDtBnw4td6c7Lg7aI6RK-pbTJUQY6hE6ivCKqrQ/edit?usp=sharing
(could have some more data points for the higher maturities but should work as orientation)

Damage types were often asked about in chat, this is not done yet.

Edit: Skill Juice added http://www.entropiawiki.com/Chart.aspx?chart=PersonalEffect

Let me know if there are any errors.
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Active Member
Hi Shawna, thanks for your quick responses here, which make an incredible positive difference I would say.
I know there's much you cannot comment on, but there are discussions on 'the other forum' right now about 'waves', something the juices had an issue with right at the start of the event. Are you following this, and maybe getting useful insights about causes and solutions to 'problems' associated with them?
Gotta go - vu is now downloading!!!

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Hi Shawna, thanks for your quick responses here, which make an incredible positive difference I would say.
I know there's much you cannot comment on, but there are discussions on 'the other forum' right now about 'waves', something the juices had an issue with right at the start of the event. Are you following this, and maybe getting useful insights about causes and solutions to 'problems' associated with them?
Gotta go - vu is now downloading!!!

I am following it, I lurk there often to try and keep my fingers on the pulse as best I can. :beerchug:


Cyrene Crusader
Thanks, Cyrene team! The event looks very promising (a few bugs is to be expected - no biggie so far). Juice pills are very nice to loot, even though they come in waves (which is MA's fault).

For next year I suggest you split juice pills between a Mission and random/wave loot. Either through a Mayhem-like approach where we get some juice pills after grinding x PEDs, or some Cyrene Event tokens tradeable for juice (and maybe Mecha L weapons?:D)


Active Member
Juice pills are very nice to loot, even though they come in waves (which is MA's fault).
why ppl still miss to understand one big thing here, EU is not gambling. PERIOD!

- gambling is a random action that is determined by 3 factors - u pay -> u risk -> u win ( money-chance-prize )
- by being based on waves that means is a pattern, a predictability meaning NO GAMBLING, PERIOD!
- wishing to be non wave based means exactly that.. u want them to broke the law, wont happen ..like ever
- stop mix them, EU is a game for smart ppl, if u know when where how and with what u won, otherwise is just pure luck and that's exactly that ... gambling
- EU gave everyone the chance to make his path, item- time- position- skills- dps- dpp- eff- MU.... everyone has the elements to win if the math is correct
- EU secret is to make those waves, cycles, patterns hidden so well in the game that make them look like a gambling, they are so fking smart that we still debate it saying is a gambling, that smart they are, TWEN years and we still fail to see it what that supposed to mean?

GAMBLING IS RANDOM when NON GAMBBLING IS WAVE ( PATTERN) or Cycles whatever u want to call them

study and u will find them

note: the friggin nubs with their narrow fking sight pissed so much the uber ppl and those with money to the point they fking share nothing, they care less and less just because they dont care anymore (mind me Kris here), one thing is to cycle 50k ped/ day and see things and another is to cycle 2k ped/ day and see nothing but to have a big fking mouth for everything, finding those patterns/cyrcles require allot of resources and investment, from few hundred k of peds in gear to dozens of k's pf peds to burn.... but they want info to be shared for nothing, not giving the silence and respect for what they do and know-how.

look at this one
Dude , am not dude for you. Keep burning you peds i dont mind at all...
what else can be said here, huh?

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Active Member
Lovely event. I only wish you guys had gotten a longer timeframe. It's unfair that MA gets Easter mayhem for 20 days. And you guys like 6-7 days event. Considering Easter mayhem start 5th april they could've at least ended the event 4th April or something, assuming you guys didn't actually wanted to end it on the 31st.

For me, a fair entropia, all PP's would get to run their own instances of mayhem in similar format like Calypso does but planet themed rewards, you as a player would then pick which PP mayhem you'll choose since you'd only be able to do one of them. This way you can decide to directly support a PP of your choice as well.

Here's hoping for an even more juicy and longer event on Cyrene next time ;)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who participated in the A.R.C. Offensive!

We really appreciate all the kind words, information, & feedback here, Discord and in game, which will go into helping us continue to refine this event!

I did want to comment about a few posts:
That said, how about making the instance mobs shared loot and let teams enter. On the lower maturities, the damage they deal seems quite moderate and might be manageable with only disciple armor and common plates. I first tried Gen 01 with Shogun+5B this morning and hardly felt a scratch except from crits. I'll do some more damage testing later.
For next year I suggest you split juice pills between a Mission and random/wave loot. Either through a Mayhem-like approach where we get some juice pills after grinding x PEDs, or some Cyrene Event tokens tradeable for juice (and maybe Mecha L weapons?:D)

We're looking into this, and more from our own observations and direct feedback.

Lovely event. I only wish you guys had gotten a longer timeframe. It's unfair that MA gets Easter mayhem for 20 days. And you guys like 6-7 days event. Considering Easter mayhem start 5th april they could've at least ended the event 4th April or something, assuming you guys didn't actually wanted to end it on the 31st.

I think it wasn't explained clearly on our side:

The A.R.C. Offensive will run for approximately 4 weeks per year: broken up into different timeframes.

So far we've only gone 6 days, and we'll be looking to make refinements to this event for the next time it opens up.

Thanks again everyone!


Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
I posted some changes we were looking at in the official discord. I know that not everyone is in there so I'm going to post my reply from there here as well.

I'm going to just do a quick bullet point:

•The event for sure will be more than once a year. We are aiming at doing it at least 4 times a year pending everything goes according to plan.
•Making changes to the event in terms of:
-instance grouping (additional instances on top of the current one)
-possible rewards
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