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10 Event update and a heads up.


New Member
All great stuff, Ed and Agis. Looking forward to the upcoming metamorphosis.

Much success to you and your team.


Well-Known Member
Can you please tell us what will be removed, so that we have a chance to complete missions etc that are going to disappear?

I dont think any current missions will be removed , the soft launch content most likely will be removal of certain equipment from the pool that was made for the soft launch in testing certain dynamic features , the final dynamic unlocks (thanks to the Cyrene colonists) will occur this PP VU and most likely the next (depending on MA giving the green light on offical launch systems (what they may be ?). I still think the final PP VU for the soft launch is in May to mark the 2 Year Anniversary of Planet Cyrene, im almost very postive the official launch will not happen until after June/July. However I think the transformation will occur over several mini updates after the 2 year Partner VU.

Im sure the Cyrene PR Marketing Team have a nice trailer coming for us previewing the Official Launch of Planet Cyrene.

It may also mean saying goodbye to current rugged landscape us colonists have played on for the past almost 2 years, as the transformation i believe will be planet wide. But the mobs (however i think most creatures and humanoids will all transform) but will still be the same mobs and missions, however the mission brokers will be moved or merged i guess making way for the new content to come.

Just think of this they have a complement of staff that have been creating this new age we are about to see for over 4 years now and using the soft launch players dynamic involvement , stats, missions, attitudes. Kris and Lykke have been assisting the colonists in preparing for what is to come the past 2 years so alot of the Cyrene community have an idea what to expect...but most of it is all shrouded in secrecy (Ed made that statement clear in June almost 2 years ago) and that part is exciting.

The Third Epic Questline will lead to the transformation phase i believe, so everyone prepare for it - it will be more challenging than the other 2, and i believe the players that have finished both previous Epic Questlines will have a huge advantage going into the new age.

But my honest feeling is that the missions stay as they are (maybe a few changes to the dynamic systems, placment of mission NPCs etc..) but some equipment will be phased out (no longer drop)


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BB Global

New Member
There are some bits and pieces in Cyrene's topography that really struck me as something inconceivable in EU....

It seemed as though I was collecting a a new Land Area name depending on where I gained altitude towards space. One here, One over the other TP....

Shocked! Will definitely lose some ped when this comes into play, thought about killpoint engagements where you get a timed mission with kill counter and land when done to reap the rewards..

That's in addition to a masterpiece of a structured Planet environment.


Can I have an official response to this?

Apparently not.

Without knowing what these changes will be, I see little reason to visit Cyrene now. I don't want to come to work on missions only to find that they are removed before I'm able to complete them. Without some reassurance that this will not happen, I doubt I'll be bothering.

George Skywalker

Active Member
Can I have an official response to this?

When an official response is absent it's probably due to the fact it would reveal more info than they want to. Which in itself tells us a lot i.e. in this case what will be removed will probably be very very important and there may never be a chance to acquire it ever again.

Neo Jr XL

I may be a bit off topic here and it could have been discussed, but any thoughts on making the area around depot noob friendly the way it became at quarry on ark (probably by chance not design)? Putting a low lvl sweatable mob that has kill mission, say weak paneleons, in the area close to depot where people can still watch local and trade channels. I've seen few new players leaving cyrene, who i believe could have stayed if there were a more active community around depot...


Well-Known Member
That's not the same, puny beach is far away. Can't watch / participate in local depot channel, while hunting at puny beach....

yeah this is kinda true. ive tried a few times and no one want to test group swunting the young pedes though


Active Member
yeah this is kinda true. ive tried a few times and no one want to test group swunting the young pedes though
I want :D, but dont know when you are there to give you a hand to drain the soul out of those pedes.


Can we please have an update on the TEN event? It is not clear what the actual problem is, and there is no actual plan. The only thing we know for sure, an event is overdue for more than a year.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thing's where changed, unfortunately, which had an impact on the event we first planned and looked forward to.

And because things where postponed we had to change the actual event and the dates.

Then more important issues to fix and already planned deadlines for things to add came in the way - and because of time and new implementations and changes, new questions came up about the event.

Fact is, we want this to be a good experience for you and because of changes and time the event needed/needs to be re-evaluated - but I know Ed, Kris - the team - are working on creating an event that works, is fun and will bring as much joy to everyone as possible.

Entropia is 'Dynamic' and sometimes when one thing happens it has a 'butterfly' effect and things changes along the road.

We are truly sorry about it - but rest assure, we would not have given you dates and make news about this event because we thought the event would not happen. We 100 % was up for creating the event and we still are and hope it will be possible.

So again, we're very sorry we can't tell you more about this or 'promise' a specific date yet.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Any chance of an answer to my previous question Lykke, while you're here? :)

Hi Oleg :) I'm very sorry for not seeing this before - and I wish I could answer this a lot more thoroughly than I can - but the truth is that nothing is yet finalized. We will, however when the changes will be made (or more correct: when we know exactly what they will be) do everything we can to notify you well in advance and not with such a short notice.