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Recent content by XeroX

  1. X

    Cyrene Missions

    I don't think its a good idea to have that for every mission Tass. However once we get the story/epic mission chains it would be good to have extra threads in place for those important ones. Having a thread for every tiny side mission would be a bit overkill I think.
  2. X

    Cyrene Missions

    ok cool I'll start with those then. :)
  3. X

    Cyrene Missions

    If that's not too much to ask would it be possible to make a note which missions are repeatable and which ones aren't? I'll be working my way through the list tonight anyway tvvm for it. :)
  4. X

    Soft launch? LOL

    Tbh I am at the point now where I just find this amusing. Well off to Sanktuario in 2 weeks I guess. Nothing to see here atm so time to wait for the hard launch.
  5. X

    What a let down...

    All that Cyrene has to offer atm is some mobs with decent visuals. However they may have gone a bit over the top with the particle effects even on those. So yeah major let down. I hope some of the stuff will be fixed BEFORE the hard launch. ^^ Otherwise they will build the full launch and...
  6. X

    So, what are your thoughts of Cyrene?

    From my personal point of view Rocktropia was a complete failure when it launched as the first planet. I didn't expect a planet to fail that hard at fullfilling the expectations I had for the Planet Partner system. From the time I have spent on Cyrene so far it seems to me like it is Rocktropia...
  7. X

    Medium mob locations?

    yeah seems so.... are there even any in soft launch?
  8. X

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    If the weapon rewards where useable outside of the PVP areas I would be doing PVP for the next few weeks. This way they're utterly useless. :p So yeah time to explore other areas outside of the HUB.
  9. X

    Where is Planet Cyrene going to be placed?

    Uhm I thought Toulan may be cancelled? Maybe I got that wrong but if that's the case then the map will probably look different. :p
  10. X

    Good Luck on Launch Team Cyrene!

    I hope Cyrene will have a nice and smooth launch! :)
  11. X

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    Nice to see that we'll be able to set foot on Cyrene so soon. However I guess I'll only be arround untill Sanktuario opens up. Then I'll logg back in when the hard launch happened. :p
  12. X

    The march of the Turrelions

    hmm if this is not edited then the (somewhat gritty) style of the textures looks quite interesting indeed.
  13. X

    Unique Feature of Cyrene?

    I am curious about that too. It seems they only plan to build upon the existing features. Seeing that Arkadia will get its formerly unique feature of treasure hunting one year after the release together with everyone else I can kind of understand that approach.