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Recent content by Vuk

  1. Vuk

    Selling cyrene armor bps and molds

    all a.r.c ranger set Turrelion Goldenweave Turrelion Silverstich 4 parts of A.R.C. Special Ops A.R.C. Armor Mold
  2. Vuk

    Finding so much Oil and Lyst since the last VU

    tnx for changes and explanation hope we can play soon..
  3. Vuk

    Finding so much Oil and Lyst since the last VU

    Cyrene is only lyst and crude planet...strange strategic
  4. Vuk

    Buying Goldenwave L blueprints

    as title says :)
  5. Vuk

    Hello from Hayley :)

  6. Vuk

    Selling Armor sets Ranger M,F,Silverstich M,F,Special ops M and Lacerating chipIII

    http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Armor&name=A.R.C._Ranger http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Armor&name=A.R.C._Special_Ops_%28L%29 http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Armor&name=Silverstitch
  7. Vuk

    Selling Sweat (whadoyaknow)

    you will sell it..just need to be patient here
  8. Vuk

    Where is everyone?

    i am home again..will stay here for sometime...we can go to some drink sometimes
  9. Vuk

    1849ped HoF

  10. Vuk

    Hello Community!

  11. Vuk

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    free bump...
  12. Vuk

    Molten Golems damage type?

    i have nice armor for golems :) http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?270330-A-R-C-Ranger-M-and-F-set-Turelion-Silverstich-M-and-F-set-A-R-C-Special-Ops-M-L-set
  13. Vuk


    little brown island down of supply depot
  14. Vuk

    Wish List Armor molds

    tnx for quick respond