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Recent content by Slasha

  1. Slasha

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Hire the guy whos idea the hub actually was , he might have other brilliant ideas .
  2. Slasha


    nice job
  3. Slasha

    Low activity in HUB atm - Potential threat

    its pvp, people will always find a way to tip the balance , even after the patch people will still be ganging up in there . I dont think its the fee to enter, its the loss of it to another player too many times that makes people not want to continue after curiosity is satisfyed.
  4. Slasha

    to plate or not to plate , that is the question !

    yes its quite clear now but wasnt at the time of this thread
  5. Slasha

    Flamebather version 1-5 , the same damage, bug?

    i think they have an added effect , some do at least , post up a screenie of the info page.
  6. Slasha

    Platings in the Hub is an exploit

    well i used plates because i thought i was ok to do so, i thought the bug was that F ava couldnt use the feature. Now you made it clear i wont use them.
  7. Slasha

    Cyrene Materials and Resources

    i cant update the wiki , but heres an "uncommon" metal ore i found > Iridium ore, 0.05 ped tt per stone ,weight per stone 0.0 , (13 ingots = 1kg) .
  8. Slasha

    to plate or not to plate , that is the question !

    Some can , some cant , but it is possible to wear plates on the pvp armour what is the official word on this? It seems like plates were meant to be allowed because otherwise who would pay for the extremely low stats of the tt armour ? it gives no advantage . the guns all do differing damages...
  9. Slasha

    What a let down...

    i found some Iridium ore !!
  10. Slasha

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Earlier evidence was unclear ,this scan enhances the image to make the cyreocampus (its proper spelling) more noticeable .
  11. Slasha

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Notice the cyrocampus , the driving force behind the evolution of man . This large gland only appears in hominids , it is thought that this is responsible for the leap in brain function at first for tools then language and later mind force.
  12. Slasha

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    The monolith . Ancient Africa. 3million BC , where it inspires a starving group of the hominid ancestors of human beings to conceive of tools.
  13. Slasha

    What about mining events , miners feel very left out of storyline and events.

    Rockin :headbang: , good to know, sounds like its in the bag ;)
  14. Slasha

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Here we see evidence of cyrene just before the dawn of mankind , note that the rock face it appears on is upside down which means cyrene was there before some huge catastrophe early in the earths history.
  15. Slasha

    What about mining events , miners feel very left out of storyline and events.

    In the past (waaay back) there was a mining event on cally , i was'nt playing then so i missed it :/ . There hasnt been another since . Please have some meteor storms randomly triggered events ect for they guys that make the world go round. Pleeeeeeeeeeese!