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Recent content by Skubahta

  1. S

    There are no UL weapons for UL vouchers

    This is a catch 22 really. In one hand, players complain because they cant get vouchers. You increase the drop rates of vouchers, people expect to have weapons in the vendors even though it might take them months to grind for badges. But by increasing the drop rate of vouchers, people that...
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    Bug Report Disciple Armor

    Im Cyrene born, did most of my graduation progress on Cyrene, then because there was no Cyrene graduation armor at the time, flew to Ark to complete it and get a Musca because I thought Musca is better than Pixie for Cyrene mobs. Dont think where you do your progression and where you were born...
  3. S

    Disciple Armor + P.I.G.V.

    Disappointing?! Some of us did all the graduation progress on Cyrene and had to go to Ark or Caly to graduate. You paid 20 ped extra for a set with very decent stats,when you could have done it for way less, it was your decision. If I want this set I will have to buy it. MA will sort ithis out...
  4. S

    Weapon Voucher confirmed locations

    Looting vouchers is far from easy. You might get lucky and loot a voucher in your first thousand kills. Or you can go dozens of thousands and not loot a voucher. Its dynamic. 1. Vendors are in the HUB. You can only tp to the vendors after you have the required badges in your carried inventory...
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    Cyrene 2020 and beyond

    Hi all. Thanks for the reply Kris and Lilmc. Its always great to see how you guys keep on top of the opinions of players here on the forum. This post by mastermesh takes me to a point that I forgot to mention on my previous post. I love the idea of expanding our current mission chains and...
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    Cyrene 2020 and beyond

    Hi all. I would like to give some input. I will try and be as brief as possible on each point: Fix all bugged items/missions. For example, what good is to collect 500k lime tokens to have a coat that does not open a broken mission?! We have items/missions broken for years and no progress in...
  7. S

    what happened with food sack?

    Food sack was for a daily mission back in the day. The mission has been deactivated.
  8. S

    a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

    A sound, respectful and grown up post right here from a mature, educated and polite player. Thumbs up. :)
  9. S

    a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

    After a post like yours, completley off topic from the course this thread has taken, others are agressive and the ones that need a shrink? oh boy, time to look in the mirror. I have seen you several times on Cyrene and Arkadia chat being far more rude and agressive. Now playing the sensitive...
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    a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

    I think this is an excellent idea!!! :)
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    a person very concerned about the "COMMUNITY" and the cyrene planet in general

    Hi, You cant imagine how much my heart bleeds from reading this guys story. As for the mental problems and bla bla bla fuck you and your remarks. Funny how your brother knows where to leech from already. At least 20 mins standing at vendor is a great way to get skills. While at Depot I saw...
  12. S

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    Outstanding work Jetman. Thanks alot for the effort :)
  13. S

    FIXED Executor Andre

    Awesome!! Well done Jetman!! :)
  14. S

    FIXED Executor Andre

    :D When you get some free time can you expand on this please? Allways great to get info from people that actually know what they are talking about. Cheers