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Recent content by SirCuteNShy

  1. SirCuteNShy

    Greater Power Crystal

    Will this thread ever get a response from an official? :shots:
  2. SirCuteNShy

    Greater Power Crystal

    Bumping this, as it seems like no officials have noticed this thread...
  3. SirCuteNShy

    Greater Power Crystal

    Bump.. http://cyreneforum.com/threads/epic-mission-chain-zora.6842/#post-21205 http://cyreneforum.com/threads/lesser-power-crystal.6899/#post-21976 Kris/Lilmc: What are the latest words from Mindark about this issue? Would be interesting to know how many Weakened and Lesser crystals have...
  4. SirCuteNShy

    Greater Power Crystal

    There were four of us who completed the mission chain in the same week. None are able to summon the Lazidol. Actually, of all those who have finished the Epic Fail, not more than 7-10 ppl or so are in possession of the Greater Crystal. To get the Greater one, you have to combine 1 Lesser Power...
  5. SirCuteNShy

    Planet Cyrene - October 2016 Update

    Gratz with the discovery, Justine! Recommended lvl 55? So it's maxed at lvl 60 then. Wow...
  6. SirCuteNShy

    Turrelion Model

    Impressive work!
  7. SirCuteNShy

    Empis Queen- Epic Tanhok and Tanhok Amber.....

    I'm only in the beginning of this epic mission, so it doesn't really apply to me, but Kudos to Justine for sharing the info :)
  8. SirCuteNShy

    Lazidol - any news on item drops?

    Ugh, now I kinda wish I hadn't asked. Never heard about this crystal before. Did some googling, and not much info to be found. Apparently, the needed crystal is combined from two other rare ones: Weakened Power Crystal, and Lesser Power Crystal. The LPC has a tt value of 200 ped. Now, I've done...
  9. SirCuteNShy

    Lazidol - any news on item drops?

    Thank you very much!
  10. SirCuteNShy

    Lazidol - any news on item drops?

    Well, in a way you did :D You're one of the few who have fought the Lazidol, right? You may know more than everyone and their neighbour then :)
  11. SirCuteNShy

    Lazidol - any news on item drops?

    Hello Cyrene officials. I'm wondering if all the unique items (for a rumoured weapon) are possible to loot yet? If not, when will it happen? Seems like only a handful of players have completed Zorra's epic mission, since last stage was introduced in June 2013. The last global on Lazidol was in...
  12. SirCuteNShy

    The Duke Wave Event

    So.. I tried the wave event the other day. Solo, which was a really really bad idea, lol. Anyway, thoughts: *Agree with Justine: The wall screams of lazy, uninspired designing. *It takes a long time from having finished a stage until the countdown to the next stage starts. *Got ~8 ped from the...
  13. SirCuteNShy

    The Duke Wave Event

    Haven't been on Cyrene for some time, but gotta say this wave event looks really cool on the paper at least. I like that there are 3 bosses who all have hof potential.
  14. SirCuteNShy

    Mining sweetstuff on cyrene?

    Thanks for giving us the confirmation. Will take a close look at my mining map and see if there are areas I haven't carpet bombed with TT-finders yet ;-)
  15. SirCuteNShy

    Mining sweetstuff on cyrene?

    I mined in PVP also, not a trace of it. Yeah, given the fact that the planet is so small, many of the universal minerals are mostly located at very limited areas.