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Recent content by Paul Jetman Masters

  1. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Ryvox the Cypher

    I got it thanks, i had to relog to fix the ryvox part, but seems all good now :)
  2. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Ryvox the Cypher

    Thanks, i was able to talk to Ryvox and he gave the mission to speak to Ryvox(?) and pass his test, yet no other option works NVM, i just wondered around and found some pede and that triggered the mission, the text gave me no info in what to do, i have the rift beacon but didn't receive a...
  3. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Ryvox the Cypher

    we are yeah, i tested it a couple of weeks ago and still nothing
  4. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Ryvox the Cypher

    any update on a fix for this error? :)
  5. Paul Jetman Masters

    Wish List Daily token vendor

    i would avoid increasing the cost, the weapons already are pricey due to MU, making it more skill could be better, maybe a size V ore or Size IV enmatter This made me think, currently the most important issue for EU is new player retention, not the big players. would it be possible to have a...
  6. Paul Jetman Masters

    Update on HUB Coat

    550k lime green tokens from the hub for either the Hub or Non Hub coat tokens can be obtained from either killing turrelia Lurkers Players in the proving grounds finding spawns in the proving grounds (alts camp there so its rare you will find much) or buying from other players
  7. Paul Jetman Masters

    Official Cyrene Event Sharp & Dangerous - A Tideclaw Hunting Event

    Also using the land area event system, you can do basic events there
  8. Paul Jetman Masters

    Wish List Blueprint with unobtainable ingredient

    i just noticed this was changed in the VU (i guess) now requires Robot Component Residue x 15 we can now use it up on something cheap and get some skills Thanks :)
  9. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Ryvox the Cypher

    Hi, i got the coat today, but when i talk to Ryvox i get an unexpected error, photos below i got the coat, the mission flagged appeared and went spoke to the npc on the hub i get off to ryvox, these are my problems if i ask about the tale ive tried to relog, so im guessing something...
  10. Paul Jetman Masters

    A.R.C. Rank Vendor

    Ive suggested in the past that all terminals are removed and each rank should have a daily instance (like ark smuggler) and the chests have a chance to loot either a UL or L gun or armor piece. the last system didn't benefit cyrene in the slightist, someone could give sweat until rank 1, import...
  11. Paul Jetman Masters

    Bug Report Mining bug

    i guess its happened in a recent VU, my log is Green 32/100 & Purple 0/100
  12. Paul Jetman Masters

    A.R.C. Rank Vendor

    Yes ARC vendors are stocked, with UL atm and rank 3 is the highest There was a change with the UL weapons where you need a ticket to buy one, these drop from Skyshatter and Mang but afaik no-one has looted one (due to loot 2.0 i assume)
  13. Paul Jetman Masters

    Off Topic Questions From the Event Thread

    when i had the error bug, i didn't cancel any missions as i was more than halfway into the 9k weeds. i left for a little and when i came back no more errors. so its possible you won't have any