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Recent content by OZtwo

  1. OZtwo

    Will Planet Cyrene get its own Disciple Armor?

    Funny story here. I moved from Calypso to Arkadia when Cyrene was released. I planned to spend a bit of time waiting for the heard lunch witch well never happened. There are a lot of issues here and the main issues is that C-team simply do not understand how the game works. The mesh system...
  2. OZtwo

    Something I wanted to ask for 4 years

    Ok you got me chuckling there. But we have hope in the impossible and that being you will bring all 3 old servers back up again! :)
  3. OZtwo

    desired improvements for Cyrene

    Yes I was very happy to see your first post! -- even more when I saw that Kris was still here!! I may seem negative about Cyrene but I do have hope that you will get it sorted out and bring back all 3 servers. Cyrene was the best looking and optimized planet in EU up until the management mixed...
  4. OZtwo

    desired improvements for Cyrene

    Yes wasn't even worth a reply to suggest that after reading what Kris stated. What the Cyrene team really needs to do is just create an alt avatar and play EU for a bit. I do understand they say it's MA fault but what they don't understand is the game itself and WHY at the end MA will say no...
  5. OZtwo

    I feel it's time to voice my disappointment in cyrene

    Yes I still have hope but more than 3 years not hearing from Ed or even any of the main C-Team it's kind of hard to keep that hope. I do have hope that at some point they can get enough cash to turn the planet around and bring the old servers back online. Just Lovefall making that post that...
  6. OZtwo

    I feel it's time to voice my disappointment in cyrene

    Then please don't post messages like this. It just makes some of the old time players really pissed off. We been waiting for over 5 years now (4 years after it was released) for a full launch. So far we have gotten a lot of bug issues plus Cyrene lost 2 of it's 3 servers with the current...
  7. OZtwo

    Consider moving to Cyrene, but have a few questions

    Welcome Lovefall! Welcome to the Cyrene forum! I know many have told you this but it's really not a good idea to re-create ava in this game since you skill levels are reset and you need to spend extra money to get back to the level you had your last ava at. Hope all works out this time around.
  8. OZtwo

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    Hello and Welcome to Entropia Universe. Hope all works out for you on Cyrene.
  9. OZtwo

    Wish List Fix Dire Weed Splash Attack

    k Odd I have it the other way around as well as seen in your video. But anyway test without the fog and see if you have the same issues.. Edit: Why I ask is when I run into the fog glitch my GPU fan starts up crying to be cooled down.:eek:
  10. OZtwo

    Wish List Fix Dire Weed Splash Attack

    Is this all the time or only when the planet lighting gets bugged as it is in this video? To fix the lighting glitch (fog), as you know, you need to re-log.
  11. OZtwo

    Is Kris the only Cyrene staff member?

    And btw Ed's last post and seen on this forum was on Feb 23, 2014 when he made the post about how they were working on Mech system to be released. http://cyreneforum.com/threads/mechs-not-possible.1773/#post-12905
  12. OZtwo

    Is there a demand for pet buffs from stable?

    Hmm ok Interesting to know:rolleyes:
  13. OZtwo

    Is there a demand for pet buffs from stable?

    We talking fruit?
  14. OZtwo

    Is Kris the only Cyrene staff member?

    She posted over on EntropiaPlanet that she got her old ava unlucked and is coming back into game.
  15. OZtwo

    Is Kris the only Cyrene staff member?

    Oooohhh really? :rolleyes: