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Recent content by Noorie

  1. Noorie

    Bug Report August 31st Official Bug Thread

    Thanks a lot for the quick answers. :cool:
  2. Noorie

    Bug Report August 31st Official Bug Thread

    I got it answered. They are two missions with the same name and objective but for different stages, so I will need to do the 5k pvp kills again for stage 5. Have a great day everyone:)
  3. Noorie

    Bug Report August 31st Official Bug Thread

    Hi All, I have the following question: On June 14, 2017 I completed the Mission "To hear the tale...the Cypher!" killing the requested amount of players and got the completion dialogue as shown on the attached screenshot. Today I found that Ryvox asks me to complete the same mission again...
  4. Noorie

    Planet Cyrene Mission Spreadsheet

    Yeah, it would be nice if these Lurkers could be 'wave' spawned with maturity increased on each wave. And the Fat Final Boss at the end of course :p
  5. Noorie

    Wish List Coat of proving grounds is just an useless cloth.

    Oh man, You are lucky the mission is working for you. And I am bugged. No matter I have the Registered Hub Coat, the terminal wont give me the mission ... I also can't stop to cry right now. :cold_shower:
  6. Noorie

    What to Expect for the next Cyrene Planet Partner VU

    Hey these are great news :) Can't wait to finally see all the improvements and fixes in effect :clap: However what about the Hub Vendors and the UL weapons, it became really overstocked there :p If these vouchers are tradable and a common drop from the mentioned mobs, the weapon will be too...
  7. Noorie

    Male Zeladoth Complete

    Great work. Congratulations :)
  8. Noorie

    Bug Report Lets get the bug thread started

    It's not yet fixed :( A friend was in the pit after the recent downtime and got only crapnel from Beast and Lurkers ...
  9. Noorie

    FIXED Hub Token Arenas

    Yeah, they work perfect. Thank you. :clap:
  10. Noorie

    CyreneMap.com 2017

    Looks like it needs renewal. brokencode, please contact me ingame if you are interested, I can donate some more peds to help this great site running.
  11. Noorie

    Coat of the Proving Grounds

    Woah... that's a lot of scalps. Does it matter where you going to slaughter them :punish:
  12. Noorie

    make ecotron UL series avatar bound

    With the appropriate "secret" info no need to camp there all the time :p
  13. Noorie

    Bug Report fenris

    I had the same problem with some of the Tide Claws. Mob is hitting and I can't reach it using any weapon
  14. Noorie

    The Hub Extra Hub areas

    I can confirm it is still working via the 10 ped Arena TP.