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Recent content by namagem

  1. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    Where has Caro been?
  2. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    I'll be back in game soon, just dealing with all kinds of financial obstacles! Now i have to reinstall the whole game! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! see you soon, though. Keep playing this time, don't disappear for 2 years lol. :D
  3. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    Awesome! :D I don't have a computer that can run EU right now, but I'm saving and almost there. Within a month, ill be back in the game. :) Hope life has treated you well, I will see you in game soon! I'm glad you are finally back!
  4. namagem

    Caro, come back to EU!! :D

    Caro, come back to EU!! :D
  5. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    oh wow, caro! what happened to yooou! :D
  6. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    Hi, Caro, where are you!? :D
  7. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    Caro, your friends miss you! Come back to Entropia! :D
  8. namagem

    Caro's Fashion Services

    Caro is the best! :D
  9. namagem

    My clothing discoveries thus far (will update)

    see, I told you that you would be doing beautifully! :D
  10. namagem

    My clothing discoveries thus far (will update)

    You are doing beautifully! :D
  11. namagem

    My clothing discoveries thus far (will update)

    Awesome, Caro! :D