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Recent content by Murkalael

  1. Murkalael

    Consider moving to Cyrene, but have a few questions

    Cyrene is the best planet in terms of almost everything. Well organized mob areas, no mob mixes, lots of dailies, easy to do crafting dailies. Only downside of cyrene are: -lack of better market -things take too long to get fixes / responses I spent 4 months on Cyrene, to keep going I had to...
  2. Murkalael

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    Hey Chris, what about some iron mission for the sprouted dire weed? Curently is the best sweat source and doesn't have any mission but the puny tempo.
  3. Murkalael

    1004 Yellow Crystal

    Hell gz. I only find II and III claims
  4. Murkalael

    Clarification about "damage-less sweating"

    The L4 sprouted dire weeds are also good 50 bottles each and gives you nice ammount of dodge skill. But no place is perfect, always someone show up either trying to sweat same mob as you or just random killing. But overall is a nice sweat spot for solo sweaters. I wish we have some mission for...
  5. Murkalael

    Wish List Fix Dire Weed Splash Attack

    Sometimes fog show at the very first time when I log in, but in time it disappears.
  6. Murkalael

    Wish List Fix Dire Weed Splash Attack

    When they attack and their splash attack fills the screen FPS goes to 0
  7. Murkalael

    Refined materials chart

    One small correction on item combination. To get 1 Low Grade processor you need 3 Low Grade Motion Sensor and 3 Hardening Agent
  8. Murkalael


    well I thought PP have control of npcs. I was thinking something like this timecheck getvar (timer) if (getvar(timer)<21) goto notready if (getvar(timer)>=21) goto ready notready display "Get back in" + 21-(getvar(timer)) + "hours" return (function label...
  9. Murkalael


    Well, is a simple matter of adding one subroutine that conver them all, is acutally pretty simple and can be done in any language..
  10. Murkalael


    Can we please have a reduction on the 24h timers? I did some testings and every single daily mission that uses 24h cooldown are taking much more than that; Also a dialog talking how much time for the end of cooldown would be nice.
  11. Murkalael

    Bug Report Dr. Nikolo's Bug Problem

    LOL, I was wandering where those countings were comming from; Really counted by killing Tide Claws
  12. Murkalael


    Did not ran as I expected but we were able to pull it out. We will study other typs of mobs to next week and if we find the right one, maybe we turn this in a daily event. Special thanks to Max, Riverrun, Arthur and everyone that attended to event, keep an ey on this topic or other similar to...
  13. Murkalael


    Right I thought so much on the doing thing and forgot to put time. Will be 18:00 game time
  14. Murkalael


    Let's see how it goes, I'm not long date perm here, so I based on the damage I can take and the speed I can heal, so if we gather like 10 players at least I think will do fine. Also I'm oppened to suggestions to mobs with large HP and not more than 10-15 damage. I'll be using Herb Box and...