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Recent content by mattyo

  1. M

    So Only Certain People In The Know Get Imperium Armour And The Rest Of Us Are Screwed?

    pretty harsh assessment. there are still mobs dropping items required for the armor upgrades. i dont think devs would have turned off loot... that said, there could be soft caps in place to keep too much of any one resource from being laying in inventories.
  2. M

    Bug Report cant use weak pan instance

    i cant get in any other low/mid/high caves either ......
  3. M

    Bug Report cant use weak pan instance

    trying to use instance near rookie to TP to get to weak cave... and "the area you have tried to enter is currently unavailable"
  4. M

    Bug Report lag

    the loot lag is upwards of 30 seconds on atlas island. weeds keep appearing and disappearing as you get within range... kinda sucks trying to hunt atm. and i cant load the crafting terminal on atlas... it took 17 seconds to log out... after the timer expired to logout...
  5. M

    Bug Report Paneleon Hunting Cave

    "you can go to cave" .... .. .. ......
  6. M

    Bug Report Paneleon Hunting Cave

    i recommend moving boxes away from weak paneleons. it causes bigger hunters to take bigger guns and really crap on smaller hunters ability to play the game with any kind of enjoyment. the common response from the big hunter "go to cave" knowing damn well that the cave isn't efficient. they...
  7. M

    Selling price check: weakened power crystal

    wondering what these go for now? have some parties interested, and don't know what to charge, or what is fair really. thanks in advance
  8. M

    how we treat people

    yah, that happened. you showed up, started shooting others mobs after being asked to not steal mobs, and/or head to a different spawn. what about the part where you said 'dont hunt near d***heads'? or the part where you mocked kill stealing, both in game, and on PCF? a whole lot goes into...
  9. M

    how we treat people

    maybe have them on non-weak/puny creatures? having several young-old spawns could be really fun, much like the island north of outer rim. while i do like the idea of having such great mark-up on smaller mobs, it really brings out the worst in people. Avatar XXX has openly mocked the fact...
  10. M

    how we treat people

    ^^ yea, sounds like avatar XXX ... he had some kinda plasma pistol thing he was boasting about.
  11. M

    how we treat people

    There is a spawn of paneleons that several people hunt. its a rather thin spawn, but 3-5 people can hunt there without much issue. this is the story about the little people that dont 1-shot an 80 hp mob. Jan 7 --> spawn has 4 ppl actively killing, the small power avatars ask avatar XXX to...
  12. M

    Mod B.E.

    any chance we get a mod armor like ark or caly? with evade or dodge? sexy stats? anything of the sorts?
  13. M

    No Halloween gifts?

    i hear if you post on all planet forums, they instantly drop for you in game... but you have to post on each planet page within 90 seconds or you are locked out from receiving gifts for the next 3 years. copy and paste this, or stand no chance of getting a gift in the next decade.
  14. M

    Zorra's Riffle :)

    did you have to do anything other than complete zorra's epic chain? additional kills or anything?
  15. M

    Bug Report weeds on atlas

    it happened again after re-logging last evening. sometimes the weeds will disappear as the first attack would reach them, the ammo would be spent from my inventory, but subsequent shots would not deplete ammo. After killing 1-2 more weeds, the aforementioned weed would come back on radar, and...