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Recent content by Kamnejuy

  1. K

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Thank you Jo for the hard work and for draging me into all this fun ;) And to all supporters and sponsors for making those events possible, they were really interesting and fun! I Hope to participate again in the following events :p Won: 73 peds and Zekkonian Costume Wings
  2. K

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Hey Jo! Got few fresh fruits for ya ;) Bombardo - 86, Caroot - 45, Papplon -74:p
  3. K

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Hey, want to borrow a weapon for pvp event. Thank you.
  4. K

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Haimoros 55
  5. K

    Mister Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene

    Thank you very much to everyone who voted:thumbup:! Was pleasantly surprised.:openmouth: :monkey_slap:Slap me some more pls, i like it! Lets have a good crit together!:D
  6. K

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Hello! I had problems with registration's confirmation, so it's kind of late. Uploading it now. Good luck to everyone! Vadya Kamnejuy Ruua M