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Recent content by Hagbard Celine

  1. Hagbard Celine

    FIXED Getting stuck in terain underwater.

    Generally, it is all to easy to get stuck in the terrain when swimming close to bottom. Specifically, I got stuck here: [138737, 76715, 41], while I was not even in contact with terrain. I was swimming between standing-rock and very steep ground and could not move in any direction even though I...
  2. Hagbard Celine

    Was Imperium Grunt/Vet change this VU intentional?

    Sorry. I was not using the same gun, thus my range had changed, not the Imperiums.:oops: Mesa feel very stupid. Please forget mesa said anything.:secret:
  3. Hagbard Celine

    Was Imperium Grunt/Vet change this VU intentional?

    Imperium Grunts and Vets suddenly got much longer firing range (and seems quite a bit more damage too(forgot to repair armour so not 100% sure on damage)) after VU 15.15.5. Was this intentional?
  4. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report Robotics Enhancing Gel Blueprint (L) ingredient not dropping.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that "Basic Electronic Fluid Memory" stopped dropping at the same time as "Basic Target Assessment Unit". Anyway I am quite confident that it does not drop from any Cyrene mobs. I got shitloads of this blueprint filling up my storage, luckily I've not foun...
  5. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report Bugged vegetation.

    The new vegetation in the dire weed spawn area for Pict's pollen issue is bugged. It is most noticeable on some of the trees. As you run towards them: -they are invisible until about 30m away where they suddenly appear -then they disappear at about 15m away -and reappear at about 0.2 away this...
  6. Hagbard Celine

    Event Turn out

    That is simply not true, I am far from among the topmost players and I could survive with armour, not without. It would be nice, but I do not believe that I got more HP than 99% players. As for those with less HP, mobs prefer to aggro on the players doing the most damage; Low-level players...
  7. Hagbard Celine

    Event Turn out

    From my point of view AOE in event is bad because it decays everyones armour every hit, alternatively force you to use no armour and get on-shotted all the time. Seems like that is not needed, as this event drew lots more people then they expected. If I must have a proposal it would be, spawn...
  8. Hagbard Celine

    Event Turn out

    You work for MA and think a event that is not a total armour decay feast is bad? (I was considering that you where worried about fairness, but your point 7 ruled out that.) I see no problem the Zela damage for an event. But; This request does not make sense IF they supposed to be AOE as you...
  9. Hagbard Celine

    Wish List Ecotron camping - The problem/improvements

    I suggest they remove the UL-version from Terminal and make only L-version buy-able. Then make a NPC that takes the used L-version of the gun and exchange it for equal value of residue; with the chance of spawning the UL-version at minimum repair(equal to the value of used L-version TT-value)...
  10. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II CTD in first person mode.

    Hi, just crafted my first P.I.G.V. which made me very happy. What made me very sad on the other hand, is that I can only use it in 3rd-person-view. Whenever I try to enter it while in 1st-person or zoom to 1st-person while inside I get instant-crash-to-desktop. Running Windows 8.1 64bit, tried...
  11. Hagbard Celine

    MECHs not possible???

    Posted this on PCF, but since it relates to Cyrene to (and since I have the impression that posts here actually gets read and considered by developers *thank you*) I'm pasting it here to: What about seeing them as armours?? And seeing we now have the ability for controlling mobs, that could...
  12. Hagbard Celine

    Material requirements for blueprints and drop rates

    I wish they would make all components have at-least one use. Lysterium Power Container is one that is missing a purpose. Edit: And one more thing; Robotics Enhancing Gel Blueprint (L) 7x Robot Component Residue 1x Basic Electronic Fluid Memory <-- Does this even drop anymore?
  13. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report december 2013 bugs

    There is a terrain bug at 128238, 89165 that looks like a knee-high wall of grass from one side, invisible form other side. If you run into it from invisible side, you get stuck.
  14. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report Old Vlanwing trapping detetction bugged

    Old Vlanwing goes unreachable for no reason. More than 70% of spawn is unreachable when I arrive to hunt. Was able to kill a few before they start going unreachable while hitting me.
  15. Hagbard Celine

    Bug Report Swamplurkers dissapering bug got worse at VU14.3

    Two more things that is new with this bug after VU and minipatch: When the one you are attacking go invisible the others in view start to flicker or go invisible to, they usually go back to normal as you kill and loot the one you are attacking (by the way, if nobody pointed out this before; they...