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Recent content by Ed Ward

  1. Ed Ward

    Vortex Video

    I hope noone got a sun burn :cheer:
  2. Ed Ward

    Incoming Transmission

    As am talking about Cyrene in this thread that I made on other forums, I give you the link and will post here too when i'll continue the story of our society. http://www.neverdie.com/rocktropia-activities/9869-incoming-transmission.html
  3. Ed Ward

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    real picture of Magura Cave 43°43'16.47'' N 22°34'17.08'' E
  4. Ed Ward

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Look what's on her head, the symbol!!! And the pic is not photoshopped :)
  5. Ed Ward

    We wish you a Happy New Year

    Tyvm! Wishing to all to become rich and successful, only you can decide... Wanted to say happy new year too for my first post :)