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Recent content by DaughterofAnarchy

  1. DaughterofAnarchy

    Entropedia.info is now Entropiawiki.com

    Just letting anyone know that since entropedia.info domain expired and the owner didn't renew it, the people holding the website (which are other people than the one who was holding the domain) moved it over to: entropiawiki.com
  2. DaughterofAnarchy

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    I would sure love it. :)
  3. DaughterofAnarchy

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    Just WOW! You're a superhero! :)
  4. DaughterofAnarchy

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    If it would be up to me, I would like all information that would otherwise require a monetary investment to be found, to be made public so everyone competes on equal field (so yeah, I think, for example, mission rewards for the whole chain should be public so I can decide in full knowledge if I...
  5. DaughterofAnarchy

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    No, definitely not, and I think this (and many other things) should definitely be public knowledge. I was saying that not everything should be public knowledge.
  6. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    Entry log #2 June 25th, 2017 Planet Cyrene It proved out that sweating the paneleons was not so hard, even without my [Aeglic Ring Adjusted]; I mean yeah, sure, I have to wait to regen after every mob and on some of them I also have to stop before they are dry out because my health bar becomes...
  7. DaughterofAnarchy

    I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

    As far as I know, when Arkadia launched, their devs posted themselves on Entropedia all this kind of stuff like mission rewards, mobs loot tables and item stats (guess someone familiar with Entropedia can confirm on infirm this looking at the edits history), so if that's true for sure there's a...
  8. DaughterofAnarchy

    Bug Report Lets get the bug thread started

    You really rock, Kris! :) Best communication I ever saw in EU, on any planet. :)
  9. DaughterofAnarchy

    Bug Report Lets get the bug thread started

    It is not new, it happened to me before I've left the game (so before July 2016), although I haven't try to duplicate it, only had one extra pet; I can also confirm it is visible by others since I called for someone at that time to show it to him. :)
  10. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    Hey Jetman! :) To answer your questions: 1) Well, you are probably right that once you approach mid level that may no longer be feasible, but as I already said, I don't really intend to (ever) reach mid-level; I'm happy with sticking with being a low-level hunter, since even if one day my...
  11. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    Entry log #1 June 19th, 2017 Planet Cyrene I'm weird, I know it, everyone kept telling me that ever since I was a little child. I'm so weird that the thing I actually enjoyed most in Entropia Universe and that made me return to the game was sweating... sweating and chatting... or better said...
  12. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    Occasional extra deposits June 19th, 2017 Bought 10 * [Summer Strongbox] and got: - 744,900 (74.49 PED worth of) [Universal Ammo] - 10 * [Red Heart Fireworks] - 2.00 PED value - 40 * [Yellow Heart Fireworks] - 2.00 PED value - 1 * [Neurobiotic Booster A1 1mg] - 0.01 PED value - 1 *...
  13. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

  14. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    So... where I'm starting from? Starting inventory: pastebin.com/i0h7tRLf Starting skills: pastebin.com/g5XiZPf1 So... what's the plan? In the past, I have relied on sweating to finance my various goals, like 20,000 sweat bottles for my [S.I. HK-110], 50,000 sweat bottles for my first (and...
  15. DaughterofAnarchy

    DoA's weekly log

    About me and my playstyle 1) For a start, I treat EU as a game, not as an RCE; while I'm very well aware that RL$ can be converted in PEDs at any time and also that PEDs can be converted back into RL$ at any time, I decided to remove the pressure from me and don't treat the game like that, but...