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Recent content by Cromius69

  1. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Thanks alot Jo for awesome event as always :) :clap: image upload
  2. C

    Mister Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene

    knew there was something fishy going on :D but dont think theres rule against buying ur votes sadly :p winning vote dosent mean u win whole thing its just 1/3 of the points jury decides screenshot and parade points :)
  3. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    C4, K2, I2 B1
  4. C

    Synthetic Rubber actually dropping?

    killed 1800 small tree dragons got 15 synthetic 4 came from 1 global edit 11k tree dragons later for nub quest looted excatly 100 rubbers waves are 7 min long or when all rubbers from wave are looted and happens every 20-40min is my observations :) gl hunting them
  5. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    private image hosting
  6. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    Cromius Crommy Apocalypse (M)
  7. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    https://imgbb.com/ after uploading choose: BBC Code Full Linked and copy the url to forum :)
  8. C

    Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene

    let me know does it count not in system was bit tipsy :D