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Recent content by 420

  1. 420

    Bug Report Turrelion Settler Clothing

    If it matters I prefer the set as they look in the info, not the "worn", I need repaired look:)
  2. 420

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    I have been a part of this game for years...this is the way loot has always been. In cycles, this is nothing new.
  3. 420

    Registered Proving Ground Coat of Arms (M)

    Very NICE! Ty for sharing and please keep us informed of what's to come:)
  4. 420

    "Like my post!" forum game with ingame prizes!

    Woohoo, can post again:cheer:
  5. 420

    "Like my post!" forum game with ingame prizes!

    GZ! I like.:)
  6. 420

    The Hub Likes to PvP

    I love to PvP, win or lose, it is fun for me. Even more so knowing that it will be equal skill and gear. If anyone likes it as much as I do, feel free to add me to your FL. If I am on, you can count on me to join anyone for a fair and fun fight :shoot:
  7. 420

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    They do offer me something to shoot at:P Just wish they'd shoot back.
  8. 420

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    Might even make some starter weapons for HUB purchasable with sweat. Lower performance, but basically free. Another way to turn sweat into PvP fun:)
  9. 420

    The Hub Quick fix for the HUB skill override bug

    I did not see this post till after George Ace Skywalker told me how to remedy it. Thank you both.
  10. 420

    The Hub Playing Modes

    Include me please, I like this planet and I love PvP. (Might take me a bit to get the proper clothes)
  11. 420

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    I am also curious why there are no skill gains inside arenas. PED is spent, skills should follow:dunno:.
  12. 420

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    Or instead of spawning lime green tokens in the Proving Grounds Arena (which only seems to promote farming for PED, not PvP)...spawn tokens that get you into the higher PvP token based arenas. Which might even promote more PvP instead of farming lime green tokens for PED's. Is funny when...