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by Lykke TheNun at 7:44 PM
(6,342 Views / 4 Likes)
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for September 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene, his great contributions both on the forum, adding suggestions and great ideas for making Cyrene a better place - and in game, helping other players.

We met up at Tanhok Crystal Gardens, were Rathius was handed out the prize,a Lancer v1 (L).

Rathius started playing Entropia roughly nine years ago. "I've had a lot of long breaks over that time though, so my active time is maybe half of that," Rathius explains.

For how long have you been on Cyrene?

"I came over to Cyrene at the beginning of July, primarily the allure of exploring something new, but also because of the overall vision and background of the planet".

What are your most enjoyable moments on Cyrene?

"My most enjoyable moments of Cyrene come from exploring the planet and finding the wonderful points of interest that provide some of the most wonderful views. Be it finding a waterfall tucked away in a swamp, or what seems to be an abandoned village envolped in mist....