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by Lykke TheNun at 4:14 PM
(5,268 Views / 11 Likes)
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for December 2012 goes to:

- who has been nominated for her dedication to Planet Cyrene and the community. People say that "she" has countless times helped others with missions, exploring, and hunting wildlife on Cyrene. And that "she" is a valued asset for Cyrene, the forums, and guidance in game".

We met at Janus, were Thanatos was handed out the prize,
a Lancer v1 (L).

When we met in Janus I asked Thanatos to show me the new shopping booths, as I didn't yet had a chance to see them. "She" told me they are 'heavily' nice! And no doubt a booth is high on the list of x-mas wishes this year, but I had to tell "her", that I could only hand "her" over a Lancer ...

"I can see how nice a shopping booth would fit you, Thanatos ;-) "
"... But take this...