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by Lykke TheNun at 3:29 PM
(5,491 Views / 7 Likes)
Each month we are trying to nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, February 2013 goes to:
"Goldmoon is a very passionate player with a lot of knowledge - always helpful to everyone and very fun and pleasant to be around."
I met Goldmoon at the Inner Turrelion Outpost, were she was handed out the prize, a DragonFly Helicopter (L):​

I was almost falling asleep at the teleporter, when suddenly this little lady was standing in front of me - and it turned out it was indeed Goldmoon!

"I better change into something more ... suitable ..."

After changing clothes, Goldmoon grins and says she is pleased to have a DragonFly - even though it isn't her first one. I tell her THIS is the most special one though, because it is free and followed by a nice title =)

Goldmoon's history goes way back to the beginning of Entropia, she tells me ... all the way back to when the game was still a 'project'.

"I started to hang more on Cyrene in the last few months. More due to my early...