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by Lykke TheNun at 1:54 PM
(6,020 Views / 7 Likes)
Each month we are nominating a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for this years first Cyrene Citizen, January 2013 goes to:
"Proxy has been on Planet Cyrene for a good while and been killing crystal pedes with a certain dedication, hardly seen before. Proxy is gentle with newbies and first timers on Cyrene. He is very helpful locating points of interest, creatures and other locations. And one hell of a PVPer in the Hub ..."
We met non at the Hunting Grounds, were he was handed out the prize,​
a DragonFly Helicopter (L):​

Non was running around with some friends, and I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I saw him only wearing shorts and boots :openmouth: ! The boots were a pair he got from his only HoF, he told me. So obviously they where giving him some luck ;)

"Clothes doesn't make you look cool ... you make you look cool!"

Non has been playing for around 7 months, great months even, and tells me and adds "Time...