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by Lykke TheNun at 10:50 AM
(9,011 Views / 6 Likes)
Each month we are trying to nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene.

The title and prize for the Cyrene Citizen of the Month, December 2013 goes to:

This was said about Juicy in her nomination:
"Juicy guided me through the planet and helped me in many ways..."
"She was the one who got me interested in Cyrene"
"Juicy the Fruit Monster helped me a LOT and gave me informations about the game, helped me through missions and I got some weapons from her!"


What's up with the Beak??

Juicy and I went to Shadowed Glade (135550, 84884) were she was handed over the prize, a Lancher v1 (L):


Juicy started playing in 2005 and before the first pet VU was released, she tells me.

"I've been oinking around on Cyrene since the very first day, as I've always been interested in this planet", she says and explains further "Especially because there have been pictures of some stables and pets long time ago. I would just love to tame Cyrene mobs".

After a while she adds "Only RockTropia Chick-like mobs would be more tasty to tame :p" ... she grins while I send her a stern-kind-of-looking face! But I can't hold it for long, because one thing you can definitely say...