Lykke TheNun
Well-Known Member
The different planets in Entropia today have different sets of Blueprint books.
Each planet has one type of Blueprint book for each category of item to craft - for example Clothes, Components, Armour, Weapons etc. - and all books look differently with different colours. Not only a new colour for each category, but the colours for the categories are also different depending on the planet.
To take an example, a Component Blueprint book on one planet could be yellow, while it on another planet could be green. And the colour or look of a Blueprint doesn't always match the look of a Blueprint book.
Naturally this can make it difficult if you're not very experienced.
A lot of old, experienced crafters are used to all the different Blueprint books and to them it is fairly easy to find the right book and Blueprint. They can nearly do it in their sleep
But with all the new planets appearing a crafter might have several different sets of Blueprint books (if he/she crafts on all planets) - and it will fill up a lot in inventory or storage. But also the Blueprint books from one planet alone fills up a lot of space.
The question is if there is a much better way to store the Blueprints?
Would one Blueprint book per planet be better - split up in sections through tabs so you could easily find the type of Blueprint you need? And when you have a new Blueprint in inventory you simply just drop it into that one Blueprint book to store it?
Would it be easier if the Blueprint books have a very easy to understand symbol on them, so you can see what kind of book it is without having to hover them all or remember what colour is what type of item on what planet?
And should the Blueprints then have the same colour and symbol on them as the matching book so you could easily store them into the right book after you looted them?
Or does the existing system work fine?
Perhaps with a few corrections? Perhaps with no corrections at all...
We would like to hear both experienced and new crafter's opinions, suggestions and wishes to the Blueprint books now and in future.
I set up a poll, but please elaborate your opinions and / or suggestions in a post too.
Your contribution is highly valued and appreciated
Thank you
Each planet has one type of Blueprint book for each category of item to craft - for example Clothes, Components, Armour, Weapons etc. - and all books look differently with different colours. Not only a new colour for each category, but the colours for the categories are also different depending on the planet.
To take an example, a Component Blueprint book on one planet could be yellow, while it on another planet could be green. And the colour or look of a Blueprint doesn't always match the look of a Blueprint book.
Naturally this can make it difficult if you're not very experienced.
A lot of old, experienced crafters are used to all the different Blueprint books and to them it is fairly easy to find the right book and Blueprint. They can nearly do it in their sleep
But with all the new planets appearing a crafter might have several different sets of Blueprint books (if he/she crafts on all planets) - and it will fill up a lot in inventory or storage. But also the Blueprint books from one planet alone fills up a lot of space.
The question is if there is a much better way to store the Blueprints?
Would one Blueprint book per planet be better - split up in sections through tabs so you could easily find the type of Blueprint you need? And when you have a new Blueprint in inventory you simply just drop it into that one Blueprint book to store it?
Would it be easier if the Blueprint books have a very easy to understand symbol on them, so you can see what kind of book it is without having to hover them all or remember what colour is what type of item on what planet?
And should the Blueprints then have the same colour and symbol on them as the matching book so you could easily store them into the right book after you looted them?
Or does the existing system work fine?
Perhaps with a few corrections? Perhaps with no corrections at all...
We would like to hear both experienced and new crafter's opinions, suggestions and wishes to the Blueprint books now and in future.
I set up a poll, but please elaborate your opinions and / or suggestions in a post too.
Your contribution is highly valued and appreciated