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Space Travel to Cyrene

The Ripper

New Member
I posted similar ideas for space to the op. But I'd like to say on behalf of Soldiers of Fortune, we will make sure the Alabama Mothership is ready for flights to Cyrene too! :D


Active Member
As I see it (from my own personal point of view) the total lootable space is ruining more than it is helping, because it splits up players and planets and makes it difficult for people to move around if they wish to, and to make business' between the planets to help the overall economy. Instead of having one game we have several games disconnected within one game. The edge was made even harder when the auctions got separated too. And that would even have been ok if it was easier to travel through space.

One of my first posts here was asking the developers of Cyrene if they knew about lootable space coming or not when they signed on:

With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

Of course I didn't expect much of an answer, but still, the question has to be asked if this is in anyway will have an effect on your plans. I guess Lootable space has hit you hard already since you released your registration page. People can sign up, but really no way other than spending a lot of peds to get to your planet when it goes live. Also what you are dealing with is real money here and not just some fun and game. With space being so new we already have a small group of pirates growing in numbers since they are finding that you 'can' make more money in space. The real money problem comes in when one can withdraw what they looted in space.

I have been guessing that MA is trying to hit the big news with this before they 'fix' this issue, but until then, a lot of people are loosing real money in game since MA isn't giving them much of an option to go planet to planet without going into lootable space and spending a lot more money to even go. So with this issue as well, a LOT of people simply are not going to space due to this issue.

Tony Pendragon

New Member
One of my first posts here was asking the developers of Cyrene if they knew about lootable space coming or not when they signed on:

With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

Of course I didn't expect much of an answer, but still, the question has to be asked if this is in anyway will have an effect on your plans. I guess Lootable space has hit you hard already since you released your registration page. People can sign up, but really no way other than spending a lot of peds to get to your planet when it goes live. Also what you are dealing with is real money here and not just some fun and game. With space being so new we already have a small group of pirates growing in numbers since they are finding that you 'can' make more money in space. The real money problem comes in when one can withdraw what they looted in space.

I have been guessing that MA is trying to hit the big news with this before they 'fix' this issue, but until then, a lot of people are loosing real money in game since MA isn't giving them much of an option to go planet to planet without going into lootable space and spending a lot more money to even go. So with this issue as well, a LOT of people simply are not going to space due to this issue.

I found that the update last night made it even worse...
A friend and I were going from Ark SS to Caly and got jumped by Stagger and a friend. Normally a bit of a pain in the bum, but we were lucky and our first shots killed the pilots and left the quads sitting in space for us to blow up.
Had they have gotten the first best shots in which is normally the way with pirates we would have been dead before our quads were :( very grumpy.

They have also made it easier to loot by instantly giving you the loot once you kill them. You dont have to be close enough to pick it up now which was one saving grace before.

Yes it does also make it easier for the space knights but in all I think it has just pushed it closer to being a better Pirate enviroment.

MA im sorry but I thinks you screwed the pooch a bit.:what:


A pixel guy
I almost sure the space will be reshuffled with the Cyrene launch, maybe the planets will be placed in the corners of a pentagon (which will become a hexagon when the next planet partner steps in, etc). It depends on how much MA will be concerned with equality of all PPs in space. Common sense suggests that no planet will ever be placed in the center, although one can't rely on MA to resort to common sense :p

John Black Knight

New Member
I almost sure the space will be reshuffled with the Cyrene launch, maybe the planets will be placed in the corners of a pentagon (which will become a hexagon when the next planet partner steps in, etc). It depends on how much MA will be concerned with equality of all PPs in space. Common sense suggests that no planet will ever be placed in the center, although one can't rely on MA to resort to common sense :p

Actually if mindark rescaled space once more by a factor of 10-100 they could place planets within complete solarsystems whereever they want cause warp is nearly instant and subwarp travels would become meaningless to reach another planet - just like in the real universe when intending to reach another solarsystem.


A pixel guy
subwarp travels would become meaningless to reach another planet
So would any space vehicles but MSs and the space as an unique activity itself - how would it differ from interplanet TPs? Nobody loves pirates or being killed and looted in space but hard to argue that all this mess has brought something fresh to our universe.

John Black Knight

New Member
i dont see why priates cant have their own motherships and there is much to be done possibly by defining the distance tzo a planet / spacestation uppon which warp can be used allowing to include meaningfull subwarp travels as part of the complete flight. The Normandie regularly warps to hunting grounds far out in space, any other mothership and privateer can do the same - so even in larger space areas could still be utilized. There could be cosmic storms / robot invasion fleets / space horros migrations in space as well just as much as deep space mining colonies on distant asteroids putting up a need to go to all those hard to reach places and also giving opportunity in many ways. When i say larger space then of course not to leave it empty.
The Normandie has taken on 127 old-prov horrors at once, which i was able to kill of in 15 minutes - i sure do want alot more mobs and ships (player and npc) in space - imagine what a ship could do with all gunner seats avaiable and manned...
It might be a good idea to have everyone who has already registered for planet Cyrene meet at a specific location on the day of the launch, say, the main arrival areas on each planet since the newbies may not have explored much. So Port Atlantis on Calypso, the Quarry on Arkadia, Crystal Center on NI, and wherever new players spawn on RT. Advertise it on the website so all the new registrants know where to go if they want a flight to Cyrene.

That would allow the mothership/privateer/quad pilots to collect your newbies easily. I for one would probably want to take them "home" to Cyrene for free, rather than charging them the commercial flight fee. And knowing that I'd be able to find them at a certain place would help.


Active Member
It might be a good idea to have everyone who has already registered for planet Cyrene meet at a specific location on the day of the launch, say, the main arrival areas on each planet since the newbies may not have explored much. So Port Atlantis on Calypso, the Quarry on Arkadia, Crystal Center on NI, and wherever new players spawn on RT. Advertise it on the website so all the new registrants know where to go if they want a flight to Cyrene.

That would allow the mothership/privateer/quad pilots to collect your newbies easily. I for one would probably want to take them "home" to Cyrene for free, rather than charging them the commercial flight fee. And knowing that I'd be able to find them at a certain place would help.

I like the idea Neil :)


New Member
my view is pvp in space just keeps some stuff from moving around so the planet partners have a chance to get thier money back on the loot mobs drop as far as space goes other than it taking a few pecs off my ship now n then from space mobs and being shot down by pirates call it cost of doing business... they need to put out a few more ships with different features some faster some more heavily armed some with more armor etc all that im sure in time will come ..... lets just hope cyrene is all it looks like its gonna be .... im excited and cant wait ....the big hope is not everything from cyrene like armor weapons vehicles etc is limited and the other hope is shops booths and apartments are affordable and plentifull dont follow calypso on this and have a mass amount of empty malls and vacant apartments .... maybe they could take a bit of the orrigional mmo ultima online and sell plots of land where u can build a home .... lol better still just get Todd Mcfarlan to help ya out :) anyhow the only other thing i say is advertise more everywhere i found entropia by sheer chance surfing the internet..... imagine what it could be with advertisment more people more money Ped cya in game have fun


The only reason id have a problem with cyrene being placed in the center of space (I doubt MA will) is that as a pirate, it would make the job of monitoring loot flow traffic to multiple entry points, incredibly difficult for me lol

Oh bummer.................<grins>


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Oh bummer.................<grins>

A centralized planet would potentially be accessible from all angles, thereby giving it a unfair advantage over other planets whom all have a restricted linear entry point (Side)...not multiple sides. Move the pirate base to the center...now that would be perfect ;)



what do you think they will do with the CP and foma , especially since they have already resantly moved thier grouping?


A pixel guy
CP and FOMA always were part of Calypso's system, so I think they'll stay somewhere beside Calypso no matter how space may be reshaped.