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Planet Cyrene November 22nd, 2022 VU Notes

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
New Additions
- The holidays are coming to Cyrene!
- All holiday missions will start early December, 2022
– Zyn’oddy and Zingle are back with updates and additions to the limited time missions and creatures for the holiday season:
– Zyn’oddy has a new set of decorations to get via Holiday Magic along with a new Golden Rare decoration
– Zingle, in his normal fashion, has lost the latest holiday texture blueprint and needs players to help him find them around Cyrene
– Zingle also has a more elusive hide and seek for more dedicated players to do with its own unique texture blueprint reward
– A note can be found near the Rift that will take players on a journey for a new cosmetic item
– Holiday creatures have invaded Cyrene for the season too, and the normal location around /wp [Planet Cyrene, 136673, 77210, 136, Waypoint]
— Jolly Swamp Lurkers
— Jolly Jelly Worms
— Jolly Byg Byrd
Which have a chance to drop Holiday Magic, used for all things during the holiday.
After the middle of the month the holiday gifts will go out as well (note, the gifts will be larger to compensate for the lack of Halloween gifts).

- Lt. Harris at 0x101 Supply Depot has a new mission for players on Cyrene to investigate. This is our 1st joint mission with another planet, Next Island, and we’re excited to have players going to and from the planet to take part in this extraplanetary story.
- The culmination of this mission will award a decorative item for all players if the mission is completed on Cyrene or Next Island.

- The Imperium has sent out special trackers known as Imperium Rangers to several key locations on Cyrene. Zorra and the A.R.C. will award badges to any players who manage to find them. Be warned, they are rare and elusive, but if found, all players should kill on sight.

-New teleport located at the Rift Station

-Updated Maturities for the Tree Dragons can be found here: /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138173, 78421, 139, Waypoint]
—Old Tree Dragon
—Provider Tree Dragon
—Guardian Tree Dragon
—Dominant Tree Dragon

- The Divine Golem now has updated particles and effects as well as a better located static spawn (albeit with the same respawn rate as before) here: [Planet Cyrene, 131862, 80074, 102, Waypoint]
- Dire Weeds and Dire Plants now share the same model in an effort combat the disappearing corpses
- The Zekkonian floating islands have been graciously moved near New Janus, allowing for more mob and mining spawns to be used by Cyrenians
- A new quality of life warp between 0x101 Supply Depot and the main Undersea Folken occupied ocean area is available to all players with no fee or requirement
- Several creature spawns near the race track and spike beach have been added and adjusted
- Hollingsworth's other task! Is now able to be completed in the Swamp Lurker swamps
- Holiday creature loot lists have been updated
- Various fixes and corrections for some vegetation and destroyed textures
- Carnap’s Landing and all Flesh Ripper spawns have been redone to allow for more hunters and more plentiful spawns
- Several terrain adjustments to blend better into the environment
- Players can no longer be on both missions at the same time:
– Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 9
– Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 10
— Players will need to decide if they want the utility upgrade form Stage 9 prior to starting Stage 10
- The following missions and associated in game interactives have had their text fixed and typos corrected:
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - Mining #1
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - Mining #2
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - Mining #3
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - Mining #4
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - Mining #5
– A.R.C. Faction Mission - Stage 2 - A.R.C. Summoner
– Hollingsworth's other task!
– Craft an Ozpyn Filter!
– Craft an Enkidd Dire S1 (L)!
– Craft an Imperium Key Cube!
– Craft a Cube Empowered Lube!
– Craft a C.B.R. 107!
– Craft some Cube Enhanced Metal!
– Craft some Zorn Component A!
– North Rana Haven: Barracudon
– South Rana Haven: Maggiore
– East Rana Haven: Aecas
– West Rana Haven: Nater
– Oceanside Rana Haven: Tamesis
– Boffin Edition ARMOR Blueprints!
– Boffin Edition WEAPON Blueprints!
– Trade Offer: Zorn Component A
– Trade Offer: Muscle Oil Compound B
– Trade Offer: Zorn Oil Mixture C
– The Chief's Request!
– Getting slimed!
– Tribute to the Councilman!
– Tribute to the Councilman.
– The Ambassador Needs You!
– Mine Up Yellow Crystals!
– Zorn Star Prospects
– Yellow Crystals?
– Rebuilding the Base
– Tanhok Assault on Robot Base Z.R.Q.
– Zyn Summoner - Worm Roulette
– Zyn Summoner - Heathen Skywraith
- Additional clarification has been added to the Zyn’Tukano Sweat mission chain in game rockformation board

Known Issues
- Support weapons are not currently working properly, this is a platform issue
- All Cyrene vehicles (P.I.G.V., Spear, Lancer, Dragonfly) have default sounds, this will be addressed in a future patch
- A supplementary mission for Rank 5 of Brown Beetles to give proper mission rewards is not working correctly and will be fixed in a future VU
- Some Quality Ratings information in the blueprint book: A.R.C. is incorrect

Future Content
- In 2023, there will be a limited time instance that will be open to all players with a wide skill level range with a unique creature only available here
- When we have the initial date this instance will be open and the duration we’ll make sure this information is posted everywhere so players can participate

Please give RNGesus some time to ensure all items reach their intended recipients and MindArk time to make sure that all missions are activated.


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