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Hullo Folks

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey Mac, welcome to the forum of Cyrene =)

I bet lots of people would not mind joining in for a whole quire when Cyrene opens :D

Cu here and cu there :thumbup:
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MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Mac!!!!!!!!!!!!! No worries Calli will pass ear plugs for all LOL ... XXX LOL....

:xxxlaugh: ... I was about to say the same thing! Mac is an ex-socmate and we experienced his attempts at singing far too often I would say :p ... BUT ... he always made it fun, and that's what it's all about. Now that you guys are back in TS with us, OMG ... I can only imagine future chats. :D

Glad to have you here Mac, and it was awesome getting to have a chat again after all this time. I'm looking forward to renewing the energy of the old party gang on Cyrene! :thumbup: And welcome to the forum.

Can't WAIT. :yay:


DigiDime Founder
Best part is that my vocal cords are UL--only need beer for repairs. :beerchug:

Thanks for the welcomes peeps.


BRING ON THE VOCALS!!! :whistle: I will bring on the tunes!!!! ;)
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Unfortunatly I am heading off to bed with-in minutes of this post. I do look forward to chatting with you again in TS though.