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"Free" Unlimited Scanning ! Come as long as it lasts...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by McCormick, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. McCormick
    • Cyrene Pioneer

    McCormick Member

    Dec 28, 2011
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    You can only scan a mob/human/vehicle once every some minutes...​
    Then Akbar & ddsuper created this event.​
    The video happened right after Akbar introduced me to "Scan Saturady" ...​
    Check it out. Skill scanning just like you could do it back in the past. *click,click,click,click,click*​
    Come as long as it lasts...​
    Spread the word to other planets. Maybe we can do the same with a gigantic circle of humans one day...​
    Master Chief likes this.

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