Active Member
The problem here is that the camping will be a problem. If the supply of bound items is unlimited, ie if everyone that has 200 badges would recieve a bound UL-item it would most likely influence the price of all other weapons. It would be too cheap to get it. Therefore the supply would most likely never be unlimited and camping would still be needed. In this case they would have to increase the cost of obtaining it.
The queue system could have conditions attached to it, ie you need to visist the npc/terminal or hand something in every week or so and you'd have to come online atleast like 72h after you've been rewarded with a rifle in order to claim it.
The way I see it there are a few basic conditions that we have to accept (with MA being the way they are)
- Supply will always limited if the current cost stays the same or below the current market value of similar items
- They are unlikely to change the attributes of existing weapons unless there is an exploit/abuse in relation to the item
Well I was just spit-balling a concept no crazier then the next guys ideas...
So "camping" is a problem.
Yet reduced weapon sales prices are a problem.
And somehow just buying the weapon from a seller is a problem.
But waiting to get weapon is a problem.
Yet queuing and waiting for weeks to to get weapon isn't a problem???
Which looks to some like camping by another name...

Nope that's not confusing at all...
Starting to sound like some just want their cake and pie too.
But whatever! I'm unsubscribing from this topic.