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About the TT items

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sub-Zero, May 3, 2012.

  1. Sub-Zero
    • Cyrene Pioneer

    Sub-Zero Active Member

    May 2, 2012
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    They are to uneco to use for a newbie. And for the average tt weapon hunter people out there. You have to buy several of the weapons each time to do a hunt. They break way to fast. And it's really annoying have to go repair them every 5 min.

    So my question is: Is it possible to change their stats for something like more AMMO burn instead of so much decay on the weapon? I'm talking about the actual shoot weapons not the melee weapons. They have low TT. So not many uses.
    And the TT fap it's 5 pec per use lol. While Herb box. decays 2 pec per use 30/30 heals 11.3-15 heals. And the TT armor. What reason did you made it? Only for the looks? Because 125 durability, and almost no protection at all. I doubt anyone is going to use it for actual hunting. A newbie might but he will just waste the little precious peds that he has. I think the TT items needs to be revised. It's way to unbalanced at the moment. Better change it now before the "full launch" of Planet Cyrene. Sure shooting really fast is fun. But this just makes the weapons decay a lot faster. What isn't fun is having to buy 20 guns to do a 30 min hunt.

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