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  1. AxeMurderer

    Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII 24/25 uses at lvl 37.2

    There are guns maxed on dmg on 20 and on hit on 21. It is possible to be that way by design. Maxed on 37 on heals and 38 on uses per minute.
  2. AxeMurderer

    Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. Rank VIII 24/25 uses at lvl 37.2

    Not sure if bug or intended. SIB is 27-37. I am 37.2 Paramedic. Maxed on heals, but 24/25 uses per minute.
  3. AxeMurderer

    Buying Sothorite Ore

    WTB Sothorite Ore
  4. AxeMurderer

    Buying Tananite Ore

    WTB Tananite Ore
  5. AxeMurderer

    Gear Up: New Fap - Stage 10 Mission Bugged?

    Have you tried to repair the tool before upgrading it?
  6. AxeMurderer

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 26th, 2023

    When is Netflix Special?
  7. AxeMurderer

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (Sept 25- Oct 2 2023)

    Anyone looted droplets this time?
  8. AxeMurderer

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (cancelled)

    Droplets tradable? Any Gen can drop any droplet?
  9. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report June 13th, 2023 Official VU Bug Thread

    Help the Cap'n mission Hollingswoth is not at the way point in Staging
  10. AxeMurderer

    H.e.a.r.t. fap VIII requirements?

    How hard is Skull Birds?
  11. AxeMurderer

    Planet Cyrene Summer VU Preview

    Any pictures of the NEW FAP?
  12. AxeMurderer

    New player Thought on Game in General

    Welcome to the game. Universal ammo is not tradable. The deal with the Devil (MinDark) is you get 101 PED universal ammo for 100 PED shrapnel, but you can't sell it and cash out. You have to use it. BLP, Cells and mindforce ammo use different skills/professions and weapons, so it is not easy to...
  13. AxeMurderer

    The Ultimate noob mission

    I also think that if you are thinking to play more on Cyrene this is the first mission you have to do. I am thinking of using melee weapon for it. But more on this after Mayhem.
  14. AxeMurderer

    Wish List Ambulance skin vehicles and clothes

    So many medics in this game. Lets have some ambulance skin vehicles and clothes. And as usual - mission to heal 15 000 players for the first part and 5000 badges to get the mission.
  15. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Weak Dire Weed Disappear

    No rush. I just have to kill 15 000 of them.
  16. AxeMurderer

    Bug Report Weak Dire Weed Disappear

    Weak Dire Weed near Atlas Hunting Grounds disappear and sometimes reappear just as quantum particle. I don't think it's happening after you do some damage, but often after I target the mob.
  17. AxeMurderer

    Heart Rank VI

    Thanks for the info. I am putting it on my to get list.
  18. AxeMurderer

    Hi to everyone!

    Hi and welcome to the game. I am not currently on Cyrene, but if you don't find someone you can add me. Good luck!
  19. AxeMurderer

    Forum downtime - Jan 13th - Jan 16th

    At least this has some comical value. :D