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Search results

  1. Bolivar

    1 global 3 with 5 guns... OMFG :D

    Nice nice! Gratz! :clap:
  2. Bolivar

    Mang Chang Mature location

  3. Bolivar

    Mang Chang Mature location

    Anyone know where I can find Mang Chang Matures? I could only find Guardians at the 2 locations from Entropedia
  4. Bolivar

    High HP Mob (live Levi...)

    Sounds ok HP wise, but they hit too hard, got anything else? :p
  5. Bolivar

    High HP Mob (live Levi...)

    Can anyone tell me what is THE high HP mob on Planet Cyrene? Something similar to Leviathan on Calypso, or Scoria on Arkadia ;) *in Title: like Levi, not live Levi, evil Levi iveL Levi lol
  6. Bolivar


    Yo yo Teiwaz!
  7. Bolivar

    Hi Ya

    Hiya Calli!
  8. Bolivar

    Hi All !!!

    Heya Cowboy! :)
  9. Bolivar

    Will Cyrene really go live in the face of these other MMO's?

    Eh.. Aren't all planets in EU same as it comes to graphics?
  10. Bolivar

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    You win! One mothership :nana:
  11. Bolivar

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    How about 'guess the location of planet cyrene' competition? :)
  12. Bolivar

    Quick Update

    Looking forward to flying through space to this new destination :cool: