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  1. Julien McBain

    Any plans for some melee options in faction vendors?

    This is good to know. I also main a swordsman (as if that wasn't obvious from my videos), thus the more varied and interesting longblades I can field, the better! :) I didn't know there was a spear on Cyrene! I'll have to check that out!
  2. Julien McBain

    Not Really Fan Fiction but...

    Another Article, on why doing sweating in game is worth the time, even if it's not necessarily worth the PED https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/mcbainmanor.com/203
  3. Julien McBain

    Not Really Fan Fiction but...

    Thanks DME!
  4. Julien McBain

    Not Really Fan Fiction but...

    Wrote an article that I thought you'd all find interesting. https://mcbainmanor.com/2019/07/17/the-case-for-entropia-universe/
  5. Julien McBain

    New Fiction Piece up

    If you want to add Cyrene Rattlers, be my guest! If you do, please make them tamable? Oh! And thank you both!
  6. Julien McBain

    New Fiction Piece up

    So I'm just going to add to this thread from now on when I post a story, so I don't inflate this page too badly. You can find my new Cyrene story, Molli's Hunt, here!
  7. Julien McBain

    Carnap's landing

    Is there an update on this?
  8. Julien McBain

    Stuck with Zora mission

    I would have to agree with Aryana on this one. Counters, and by extension timers, give the player the ability to know how close they are to achieving their goal. While I could see a place for these features to be removed, as in a Grand Quest, Challenge, or in a Quest that has a plot-specific...
  9. Julien McBain

    Deployed to Cyrene

    Welcome Ost! Look forward to seeing you out there!
  10. Julien McBain

    A Hunt Most Fowl

    I have just finished writing A Hunt Most Fowl, another story based on Cyrene, and added it to my site! You can find the story here! Please let me know what you think!
  11. Julien McBain

    Bug Report Found a Hovering Tent

    I stood there and stared at it for a while to make sure it wasn't a lag issue. I've done level design, it's an easy to make mistake, especially if you're working on the landscape underneath it; and it's not really a big deal on set dressing, but it does break immersion, so I figured I'd let...
  12. Julien McBain

    A Somewhat Late Introduction

    Hey Entropians, I'm Julien McBain, Author and YouTuber. I've been hesitant to join the forum because I don't always have much to contribute, but the community on Cyrene is amongst the best in a game that already has one of the best communities out there. I came to Cyrene for the first time...
  13. Julien McBain

    Bug Report Found a Hovering Tent

    It was quite amusing when I found it, and cool to see what the full object model looked like. Too bad the tent was too high for me to see what the collision was on the underside, but I figured you'd want to know :)
  14. Julien McBain

    Bug Report Found a Hovering Tent

    Found this while wandering around:
  15. Julien McBain

    New Planet Cyrene Story

    Thanks! Hope I didn't take too many liberties with the planet's canon, but there is very little on the history between the Duster Gang and the Turrelions, so I figured I was fairly safe.
  16. Julien McBain

    New Planet Cyrene Story

    Didn't know where else to post it, so here it is. If this isn't the right place, let me know! https://mcbainmanor.com/stalking-the-desert/