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Recent content by Vulkana

  1. V

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base! (March 25 2023 - March 31 2023)

    Thanks, Cyrene team! The event looks very promising (a few bugs is to be expected - no biggie so far). Juice pills are very nice to loot, even though they come in waves (which is MA's fault). For next year I suggest you split juice pills between a Mission and random/wave loot. Either through a...
  2. V

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base! (March 25 2023 - March 31 2023)

    This is just AWESOME! Gotta get my ass off Caly ASAP..
  3. V

    Cyrene Summer 2022 VU Preview

    Here you have the solution: 1) Make the 7 hides in question refineable into 10x their number, same total tt value. AND 2) Just change the value of the textures to 1/10 of current value, but make them drop in same tt value (bigger stacks). 3) Make the old texture BPs tradeable 1:1 with new ones...
  4. V

    Cyrene Summer 2022 VU Preview

    Another great VU for Cyrene! The planet is really moving in the right direction :-) Of course there's always something to complain about (drop rates and what not), but overall Cyrene is becoming a mainstay in EU, a place to settle. One BIG wish for future VUs: More shops! I'd like to see an...
  5. V

    Bug Report March 1st, 2022 VU Official Bug Thread

    I'm now 10h in on Paneleon Old, 10k ped cycled. No elements (which is ok), 6 tails (a tad low?), a few armor parts. That's another 10h on top of tBanna's 20h+ on same mob. I also see many others in the Paneleon Old spot not getting any element. Issue: Even cycling the whole codex+1-2 repeats...
  6. V

    Wish List Make Crystals A Mission Reward

    "For example: A repeatable mission that rewards 1 weakened crystal for every 5000 merfolken killed and a mission that rewards 1 lesser crystal for every 3000 zyn killed." Best suggestion all month. It'd also make the hunt for mistangled zyn horns (or whatever the name is) more rewarding and...
  7. V

    Bug Report Paneleon pet

    It's a bit cool to have such an extraordinary pet, isn't it? The only pet in EU that can run backwards! Why not leave it as it is :D
  8. V

    Ecotron in the Faction 1....

    FYI: I looted an UL voucher 2 either early 2019 or 2020 (can't remember). It took over one year and 6-7 support tickets before the Vendor was refilled. You can try persistently punching tickets, once a month, and see if someone in the MA office wakes up from their slumber.
  9. V

    Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor

    I know the Cyrene team is on our - the players - side on this, but I cannot understand why MA won't yield to lower MU on the armor. I can get L Full Eon, Hermes or Vain armor for less than 125 %. Even Angel. Top tier armors, overall better than what the ARC vendor can provide. I use my Patrol...
  10. V

    Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor

    My apologies, I did misread your former comment (and I probably had a bad day as well lol). You make good points. We can heartily agree that the A.R.C Vendors must offer the broader mass of players some proper goodies to justify their existence. Cyrene team could start off by increasing L...
  11. V

    Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor

    I must add to my earlier comment that A.R.C badges are not the reason why I love Cyrene - I love it because of its funny mobs, good spawns, decent loot, epic chains and (usually) responsive devs - and now also Set 4 rewards in Codex for many mobs. But the A.R.C badges are supposed to be a symbol...
  12. V

    Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor

    So here is the Cyrene team thinking..humm...how should we insult our hardcore grinders and put off players aiming for 1200 badges? Oh, yes, let's put 150 % MU on the reward armor. That should teach them! At least it taught me not to bother with A.R.C Badges ever again. Even the Patrol I worked...
  13. V

    Daily Crafting Skill Reward Missions

    I didn't know we could get ARC badges this way, I only did the ones without - thanks for sharing!
  14. V

    Ryvox mission concerns - final reward

    I am not sure who this mission is aimed at. I am of course greatful that Kris and his team are trying to implement yet another awesp,e epic chain, but I assume the missions are here to attract players to Cyrene? Since the gun (prize) is Cyrene bound, it's not interesting for most players. We...
  15. V

    Unstable Turrelion Assassinator

    That's one impressive level on that Wolpertinger!