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Recent content by redbaron

  1. R

    A little bit late now :'(

    Any news Kris 16 days passed since last post , mindark must told you by now about spawn
  2. R

    A little bit late now :'(

    Any news about spawn kris :)
  3. R

    Wish List Time to allow us to improve our Cyrene gear

    Time to improve Stolen imperium armor like planet arkadia did with viceroy armor this update 10% evade and 0.2% increase critical hit (viceroy also untradable )
  4. R

    Summer vu and what we can expect

    Seems Cyrene team gone for 3 month holiday :shots::dance:
  5. R

    Summer vu and what we can expect

    Still wait for some update
  6. R

    Summer vu and what we can expect

    It been a month since we get any news from Kris so can we get some news what team working on or some sneak peak picture
  7. R

    Upcoming March vu

    Can we get some sneak peak about upcoming patch :wolf:
  8. R

    Christmas Totem

    havent seen anyone got mob stolen but ELF CAP Female and Holiday Hat Female cant be sold auc must be bug
  9. R

    Christmas Totem

    Rudolph npc not working and it 5 hours since patch
  10. R

    Mission Galactica

    too expensive mission for 99% players , give us some news about current cyrene work
  11. R

    Cyrene June 2015 VU Preview

    i see today no patch , must be some big problems do we see arc stage 3 armor next patch Kris
  12. R

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    it time we get June VU preview
  13. R

    Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

    what current unlock progress, can we get some update kris
  14. R

    TEN event - please make it happen

    Well if you guys have problem with hub , best make hunting,mining and crafting event like it was on other planets that shoud not be problem
  15. R

    TEN event - please make it happen

    Give us some update about ten event :bye: