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Bug Report Issues of the Craft on Cyrene

Discussion in 'Technical - Suggestions and Bug Reports' started by Aeolus, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. Aeolus
    • Cyrene Pioneer

    Aeolus Member

    Nov 6, 2015
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    I write a little on the forums and ingame chats. But not because I have nothing to write/say. Probably it is because of my sociophobia, as well as because of the language barrier, and because of laziness, of course.

    But seeing what minor, naive, children, and simply foolish questions/problems have to respond developers in 90% of cases (I'm shocked by AMMA answers), I had to make myself write this long post. In it, I'll dwell only on things that concern a blueprints, books and crafting. I consciously don't touch all other important and painful topics. I have something to say, but otherwise this publication will be infinite.

    Most of these problems for many years. I started playing 6 years ago on Cyrene. And I don't see someone to try to raise and solve these problems.

    1. Senseless Blueprints.

    Obviously, Blue Icy Crystal unrealized mining resource. But the place for the blueprint of the associated texture is present in the book.

    Moreover, the blueprint of the component [Heat Protective Coating Blueprint], which uses its refined form [Chilling Agent] is present in the Game! Of course, it is absolutely useless.

    Solution. Need to remove all references to this unrealized resource (placeholder in the book for [Blue Icy Crystal Texture Blueprint] and [Heat Protective Coating Blueprint] from the drop list). Either enter Blue Icy Crystal into the Game and add to drop list [Blue Icy Crystal Texture Blueprint].

    2. logical, but not realized Blueprints present in the books.

    - Kaisenite Texture Blueprint

    - Iridium Texture Blueprint

    - Olerin Texture Blueprint

    - Sothorite Texture Blueprint

    - Leethiz Texture Blueprint

    - Ycyan Texture Blueprint

    - Cyrenium Texture Blueprint

    - Wiley Texture Blueprint

    - Cyrene Collectible Tree Dragon Spike Blueprint

    - Cyrene Collectible Imperium Officer Blueprint

    Solution. Enter these blueprints in the Game. Obviously, once for a long time ago they simply forgot to add, as there are no reasonable obstacles for this.

    3. Existing Blueprint, but without the possibility of craft.

    - Tree Dragon Leather Texture Blueprint

    - Cyrene Collectible Tree Dragon Ridge Blueprint

    [Tree Dragon Hide] there is no in loot (and never was). Accordingly, crafting for the blueprints in which the [Tree Dragon Leather] is involved is impossible.

    Solution. Add to loot [Tree Dragon Hide].

    4. Separate paragraph [C.L.R. 107 Blueprint (L)].

    First, in order to not confuse the players, in all the blueprints of this series need to add a symbol (L) to the name. The name must be such a style, since the (L)-weapon created for them: [C.B.R. 107 (L) Blueprint (L)].

    Now specifically about [C.L.R. 107 Blueprint (L)]. First I remind the story. When in May 2017 introduced this series of blueprints (then they were called C.L.R. 101 Blueprint (L)), C.L.R.-variant crafted unlimited form (in strict accordance with the name of the blueprint), but the remaining variations (C.A.P., C.B.P. and C.B.R.) - limited as conceived. After some time, ready-made unlimited C.L.R. 107 (C.L.R. 101) fixed, turning into limited C.L.R. 107 (L) (C.L.R. 101 (L)). Together with this [C.L.R. 107 Blueprint (L)] was removed from the drop list. I assume that it was removed from the drop list for the error correction period. And after the correction, just forgot to return. At the same time, laser rifle is the most popular type of weapon in the Game. Very bad for Cyrene cfrafting, that this variant is absent for 4 years due to such a small omission.

    Solution. Return [C.L.R. 107 Blueprint (L)] in drop list. Fix the name for the entire blueprint series by adding a symbol (L).

    5. Various unrealized Blueprints present in the books.

    Below is a list by books.


    - Ozpyn Chon Blueprint

    - Ozpyn Ying S1X1 (L) Blueprint

    - Ozpyn Launcher S1X1 (L) Blueprint

    - Ozpyn Launcher S1X2 (L) Blueprint

    - Ozpyn LR S1X2 Blueprint

    - Ozpyn Chang Arm Guards Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Foot Guards Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Hand Guards Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Chest Guard Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Head Guard Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Shin Guards Blueprint (L)

    - Ozpyn Chang Thigh Guards Blueprint (L)


    - A.R.C. XT1 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - A.R.C. XT2 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - I.D.A. 004 (L) Blueprint (L)


    - Enkidd Dire S2 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 5 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 500 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S3 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S4 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S3 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S4 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 7 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 8 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 720 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 1100 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 2(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 3(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 4(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 5(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 6(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 7(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 8(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 9(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shirt Series 10(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Pants Series 1(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Pants Series 2(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shoes Design 1(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Patterned Shoes Series 2(L,C) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S6 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S5 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 11 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 1300 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Howler S.1 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S7 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S7 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 13 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 1700 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 2000 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Howler S.2 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S9 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S8 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 16 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 19 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 2300 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Howler S.3 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Mang Chang Hide Penetration Blocker (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Rhino Hide Impact Protection Plate (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S10 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S9 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 24 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 2900 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S11 (L) Blueprint (L)

    -Enkidd Fang S10 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Pilot Scorpion Rank 27 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Imperium Issue 3300 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Dire S12 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S11 (L) Blueprint (L)

    - Enkidd Fang S12 (L) Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene (yes, this is a new book, just 4 years passed, according to solid EU standards, it is still early to consider the problem, but nevertheless I'll write about it too):

    Cyrene Basic Mining Amp Ascella Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic BLP Amp Blase Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Energy Amp Cruz Blueprint (L)

    C.L.R. 107 Blueprint (L) (separately about this in paragraph 4)

    Cyrene Basic Finder Columbidae Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Precision Scope Sparrow Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Light Attachment Fly Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Mining Amp Cornu Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic BLP Amp Surfe Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Energy Amp Tehachapi Blueprint (L)

    C.A.P. 111 Blueprint (L)

    C.L.R. 111 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.P. 111 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.R. 111 Blueprint (L)

    Cyrene Basic Finder Sus Blueprint (L)

    C.A.P. 117 Blueprint (L)

    C.L.R. 117 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.P. 117 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.R. 117 Blueprint (L)

    C.A.P. 131 Blueprint (L)

    C.L.R. 131 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.P. 131 Blueprint (L)

    C.B.R. 131 Blueprint (L)

    Solution. They need to be implemented or removed from books to not confuse players. Please note that if such blueprints are entered, you must carefully treat names - be sure to put symbols (L) in the all right places.

    6. Not auction ability of some Blueprints.

    [Yellow Crystal Texture Blueprint]

    [Zorn Star Texture Blueprint]

    Solution. Unlock the possibility to auction for them.

    7. Crossing upgrade-items with craft recipes.

    [Tail Tip] Related. In order to reduce importance:

    - Imperium Servo Blueprint (L). 8x[Tail Tip] per click.

    [Imperium Servo] is an important component for the craft in demand plasma-pistols Enkidd Series A-XX (L). In connection with the use in the linep of upgrades and increased rarity [Tail Tip], the craft component, and, consequently, the weapon has become almost impossible.

    - Turrelion Goldenweave {pieces} (L) Blueprint (L). 20x[Tail Tip] per click.

    In general, the previously useless and unpopular armor. But if you can replace [Tail Tip] in recipes with something else, it would not be bad.

    - Cyrene Collectible Paneleon Blueprint. 1x[Tail Tip] per click.

    And in this blueprint [Tail Tip] is appropriate. It is used only a single one.

    [Zekkonian Relic] related.

    - Zekkonian Replica Antenna Blueprint

    - Zekkonian Replica Wings Blueprint

    [Crystal Pollen]/[Crystal Honey] related.

    B.E. Zekkonian Claw (L) Blueprint (L)

    B.E. Zekkonian Shortblade (L) Blueprint (L)

    B.E. Zekkonian Short Sword (L) Blueprint (L)

    Yes, these are not important losses. Instead of which the grandiose chains of the upgrade were obtained. But if it can be balanced, why not.

    Solution. Replace in recipes have become inaccessible items than something else.

    8. HK Series S-XX (L)-Blueprints.

    As far as I understand, they have long ago been removed from the drop list. And the senior variants (HK Series S-57 (L) Blueprint (L) and HK Series S-62 (L) Blueprint (L)) were never discovered.

    Solution. Return them to the drop list. Or remove the mention of them from books.

    9. Identical-different Blueprints [Zorn Compound A Blueprint] and [Zorn Component A Blueprint].

    What is the hidden meaning from two blueprints with similar names and identical recipes? I assume that this is such a kind of humor.

    Solution. Do nothing. Let it remain as it is, it's funny and does not harm anything.


    I apologize for my bad English. Regards, Alexander.

    P. S. Most players are asking for something new. But in fact, the Cyrene already has a grand amount of content. And I am absolutely sure before implementing something new, need to fix what is already there. Especially when it is easy.

    P. P. S. I made up this text immediately after the publication of AMMA answers, but the translation into English took some time. And I was very surprised when I saw in the text of the last update mention of Blue Icy Crystal from my first paragraph. It is wonderful! By the way, my friend bombed a whole ice location several times after the update and did not find this New Ancient resource.

    Perhaps I forgot about something. I'll add when/if I remember.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
  2. Curd
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    Curd Lifetime Platinum Elite Member

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    This is called pareto principle. In a nutshell: Get 80% of the result with only 20% of the effort.

    The same goes for the bugs. Fix only 20% of those that people complain the most about - and with the rest of the manpower develop new stuff (and new bugs of course, although everything in EU is based on the same old more or less proven game-mechanics anyway).

    Another problem seems to be how the relationship between MA and the so-called planet partner is outlined. The planet partner is expected to develop/maintain content, while every little detail apart from landscaping, I suppose, has to be approved by Mindark, who publish this content in their own name, as to date there is only one EULA, which is between Mindark and the player, not between the planet partner and the player. (Yet Mindark even deny to offer support for partner conent, although they are contractually responsible for it. But that's another story.) This approval process is obviously bottlenecked somewhere.
  3. Kris | Cyrene
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    Kris | Cyrene Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs Staff Member

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    Hey Aeolas,

    This is an AMAZING post and illustrates what I've been trying to explain for a long time to some of the people here,
    I feel like I can just sort of bulk agree with all these points, but I'll go over each section:

    1 - I really hope this is fixed in this VU and players can have this resource.

    2 - These should have been discovered a long time ago, I plan to present this to MA to see whatever reason they haven't gotten into players hands.

    3 - Same as 2

    4 - I personally fixed this and the series names for the Mini Patch.

    5 - We'll go over these and adjust the names conventions to be correct, we can't remove them at this time as we have to see with MA how many, if any exist in the game and go from there, but we can start taking the steps now.

    6 - This change will come with the Mini Patch.

    7 - This is something that we've been waiting to do, to replace the items used with others, we have to clear it with MA but this is on the horizon.

    8 - I'll see what happened with these (so same as 2)

    9 - :haha:

    Alexander, this is really an amazing post, well written and factual with real solutions that can be implemented quickly (for the most part). Thank you for writing this.

    I never heard of this, I sort of went down the rabbit hole from this.

    A 100% bug free experience is quite hard to obtain from AAA game development, but this is something that we can work on, focusing more on fixing.

    Thank you both so much for the honest discourse.

    Curd, Sub-Zero and Aeolus like this.
  4. Curd
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    Curd Lifetime Platinum Elite Member

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    It's not so much about fixing bugs. I wasn't trying to imply that Cyrene is an especially buggy planet, although I think we can agree that the intruduction of the donation terminal and the Paneleon caverns was a bit rough. Not to mention the upgrade armor. Well how do I put it? It is more about ... focus, perhaps. As excellently outlined above by Aeolus there is not only a myriad of unused blueprints and materials, but also of wholly undeveloped areas, like the High Dessert (mech?) cavern, the sea port east of it, the round area east of the Ngu Volcano TP, New Janus, the underground area at the Ice Plateau, the gardens behind ARC staging, the hub expansion etc. When is this all going to be brought to life? How is this all related? Where is the intertwining storyline? And has the team finally settled whether it is Turellia, Turrellia or Turrelia and why the adjective is Turrelion?
  5. Kris | Cyrene
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    Kris | Cyrene Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs Staff Member

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    Hey Curd,

    I didn't take it as such, I think focus a good word to use, right now developmentally we are sort of all over the place, trying to have such a wide breathe of content that there's some cohesion that is lost. On top of putting out whatever bugs/fires that we can planet wise. For summer I plan to have the team and I try to polish some of the existing stuff that needs it and refocus the team on that.

    Blueprints, and by extension, mining has been rocky to say the least, but it's something that is firmly on the radar.

    There for sure are some sparse areas, that haven't been fully fleshed out, this was an ongoing part of the currently on hold Dynamic Upgrade Map. Which would let us also tell a bit more story as well.

    The in game story has been lacking, and it's something that should have a focus as well. There's a ton of writing that's been done by Ed Robles III that has been the whole basis of how the planet was made and the mobs we have, of course after we shrunk down to one server it adjusted a bit. We did try to bring in as much from the other servers to still feel cohesive without the wasted space, I think we did/have done a lot with the space we have and learned a lot about how best to expand in the future.

    This bothers me a bit as well, it's something that I will go through and adjust for the misspellings, however, Turrelion's are from Turrelia and do Turrelion things, but it needs to be uniform.

    Curd, Shawna | Cyrene and Aeolus like this.
  6. Curd
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    Curd Lifetime Platinum Elite Member

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    Thank you very much for your response, Kris. It gives me back some confidence that there is a bigger picture and that you, the team, are keeping an eye on it.
    Kris | Cyrene likes this.
  7. Kris | Cyrene
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    Kris | Cyrene Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs Staff Member

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    Hey Curd,

    You're welcome man! This kind of discussion is super helpful to me, and by extension the team. There's a perspective that is hard to see from a developer standpoint and player feedback like this is invaluable.

    I try to always answer the posts as best I can, and hope that all players feel free to ask questions.

    Shawna | Cyrene likes this.

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