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Cyrene Forum Trailer

Blog entry posted by Syer, Jan 18, 2012.

I created this for the community to use as a tool to promote Planet Cyrene Forums.​
Everyone, we can only grow in numbers if we work together.​
Please share this link with everyone you meet so that we can assist the creators of Cyrene to reach their player count and create more delightful items.​
This is my way of growing out numbers. Now stand with me and let Cyrene be the one to set a standard to the others.​
Yours in spirit and truth​

About the Author

Following a path... Where it may lead, only the universe will know. But I am on a journey to find myself... In the virtual as well as in the real.
  1. Sparticas
    What I thought I seen a disepticon in there.
  2. Lykke TheNun
    Great forum trailer :) I really like the work you're doing with those videos. Makes the waiting less 'painful' lol