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by Lykke TheNun at 11:43 AM
(4,306 Views / 6 Likes)
It is absolutely worth it to run along the coast north from Setter Docks, even if the salty air from the seawater might rip your eyes, the view is beautiful and refreshing.


At a point you will arrive at one of the many Zyn’Dos Villages (to some also called Tree Village) (coordinates 127660,79224).


Zyn’Dos are big beetle looking creatures – hard working and always moving in high speed. Their houses look like big bee heaves or termite mounds but are placed on top of the ground. It would be a shame to say they are friendly of nature – so keep an eye when you intrude their habitat.


Run north along the coast to the upper half island, and you will arrive to an outpost (12730,79819,100) with a small dock. There are small lamps around to make it easier for you to navigate at night.

The small outpost has a revival point and a few other terminals – the surrounding turrets also give you the opportunity to relax safely in the shadow after a long run.

A wise thing when going forward from this outpost is to follow the road back and take the road north from the half islands off spring. Otherwise it might be a little difficult to explore the rest of this area. But you can of course...